39| Eradicating Unnecessary Complications

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The main hallway of the building is quiet

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The main hallway of the building is quiet. Quieter than my last few hours have been. Dropping off Enver at the clinic was a relief. Her determination is inspiring, but there is a line between bravery and stupidity and she's crossed that line more than enough times. Her finally out of my sight is perfectly fine with me. I don't like playing babysitter.

"-I don't understand why they haven't killed them off, especially the girl," coming up on two of my fathers' guards, Barton's eyes widen while Jenkins continues on ranting. "All that bitch does is cause problems. Gives me one hell of a headache. I would kill her with the snap of my fingers if I had the chance."

"Be careful what you say, Jenkins." Jenkins turns around, his eyes are wider than Barton's. "You're already on a thin line."

"Good evening sir," he laughs nervously.

I nod. I'm not in the mood to deal with this. "Keep your thoughts to yourself, Jenkins."

And I walk away.

I stand in the doorway of my office. My desk is still crowded with files. Heaving out a sigh, I sit down and scan over them for what seems to be the one-hundredth time. Later on my computer dings, a reminder. Today is Friday and I couldn't be more relieved. Putting the files back into their place, I leave my office, the sooner I can get out here the better.

"Ah, son, just the person I wanted to talk to." I stop in my tracks, turning around to look him in the eye.


"Going to go visit Marie today, hm?"

"Don't say her name," I grind my teeth together.

"Getting close to Ms. Williams aren't you?" He changes the subject quickly. And for some reason, I don't like him mentioning her either. I feel even more enraged. I shouldn't care what he says, but every time he knows exactly how to creep under my skin. "Spending a lot of time with her."

"That's because she doesn't know her place," I respond simply. Even though it's true, the words feel strange slipping off my tongue.

"Hm, just be careful son," a grin takes over his face as he begins to take some steps away. "Wouldn't want anything happening to Marie now would we?"

"I'm holding up my end of the deal, you keep yours."

"My word is my law," he places his left hand over his heart. I nod at him and continue down the hall towards the garage. I climb into my black Bently and put the key in the ignition. The engine revs and I peel out of the garage, leaving all of my frustrations in the dust behind me.

I turn down the same street every Friday, with the same crumbling houses and shriveled gardens. And on the end of the street, a pristine home the color of a smokey blue sky. I park my car in the driveway and walk up to the front door. I find the key and unlock the door and step inside.

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