14| Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter Omar

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"There you are! Cash is back, come on!" Omar takes my hand and pulls me towards the white room, but I don't move

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"There you are! Cash is back, come on!" Omar takes my hand and pulls me towards the white room, but I don't move. I just stand there, frozen in place. I'm not ready to face him, not after what happened.

"Hey, it's okay," Omar's tone is calmer now, and he convinces me into following him.

Cash is laying on his bed, clenching his stomach, and every now and then his face would wince in pain. I cover my mouth in shock, and also to hide the frown forming on my lips. Omar takes my hand again and leads me over to his bed, we kneel down next to him. "Cash?" I speak hesitantly.

He moves his head towards us, I gasp when I get a better look at his face which is now pretty messed up. "Hey," his voice is scratchy and he tries to smile but it only ends up with him wincing.

"What did they do to you?"

Before he responds he goes into a coughing fit, "wow, you okay man?" Omar asks, he hands Cash a cup of water once the fit has calmed down and all I can do is sit there in fear and guilt, knowing I did this to him.

"Miss Williams?" I turn around and look at one of the men in the black suit, but I don't recognize him, he must be new. "Come with me please." I'm confused by his polite manner, I glance over at Omar who looks equally puzzled.

I follow him out, I catch Trinity's eye and smile at her. When me and the black suited man get out of our own personal mini hell, we walk down the hall and I can tell we're headed to Holloway's office.

"So... you're not going to drag me there?" The man furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head. For the first time in a while I have hope, this could be my chance to escape, he doesn't even have a hand on me, I could run away before he even notices.

A smile forms on my face but drops seconds later, I can't. I know I can't escape. Even if I did there wouldn't be enough time to get to the police before they punish someone else for my actions. I don't even know how far the closest town is. I won't risk having anyone end up like Cash is right now.

The man opens the door to Holloway's office, I keep my head low, taking a seat in the fancy chair knowing Holloway is already going to ask me to. "Ms. Williams, how nice it is to see you," I look up, a satisfactory smirk dances on his lips when he sees my gloomy face. "How's Cash doing?"

"What did you do to him?" My voice quivers.

"What I do is none of your business."

"Please, do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt them," I plead. "They didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh you naive little girl," he leans back in his chair, amusement written all over his face. "I tried to warn you. But when you don't listen, you have to deal with the consequences. I'm glad to see you've learned you lesson though, I didn't take joy in punishing someone else for your actions," it took everything I had in me to keep myself from shouting out liar, "it was the only way to make you behave," anger bubbles up inside me.

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