47| Don't Make This Difficult

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Jayla's slim figure creeps out from the dark corner of the recreation room

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Jayla's slim figure creeps out from the dark corner of the recreation room. I curse myself for being so stupid. Stupid for sneaking around. Stupid for leaving them. Stupid for thinking they were okay.

"Where are they?" I ask, trying to control my emotions.

"Probably dead by now. I told them you were going to get them all killed. But they didn't listen. And look, I was right." She grins.

"No." I whisper, but I don't know who I'm saying it to.

 "But they're not my concern. I was put in charge of taking care of you." She pulled a knife from her boot.

"Why not a gun?" My voice is starting to tremble.

"Not as much fun."

"That seems cruel." I say, trying to buy myself more time to fors some sort of plan. My eyes dart around the room trying to find something to defend myself with, but the room has been gutted.

"This whole place is cruel, isn't it? You can either fight it," she gestures to me with her blade, "or join it."

 "I'd never join them." I spit, but that only makes her grin widen.

"Such a fool." she whispers. Her eyes narrow at me and she pounces. Her knife lunges at me and I barely dodge it. She slashes at me again, and the tip grazes my forearm.

"Why fight such a disadvantaged opponent?" I shout. "Wouldn't it be much more honorable to fight a fair fight?" Her scowl softens slightly at my mention of a fair fight.

"I know you're trying to trick me, but your skills are no match for my own. So I accept your challenge." She slips the knife back into her boot, then leans closer. "I'll send a letter to Dad for you." Then her fist cuts into my cheek. Her rings dig into my skin and I am knocked to the ground. A harsh kick is sent into my ribs and I can't hold in my cries.

But I won't let her kill me.

She looks down at me with a smirk. "I told you."

She reaches down to her knife again, but before she can grab it, I swing my leg up and kick that smirk off her face. Warm blood slips down my neck as I get to my feet.

"You selfish bitch." Jayla glares at me through her fine, black hair. Her nose drips blood as she throws another hit to my face. I dodge it and swing a kick to her side. She lets out a muffled growl as she lunges at me. She tackles me to the ground and pins me to the tile. Her knee is pressed into my chest and my breathing gets more difficult.

I suck in air and try to get free, but it's a sad attempt. She reaches back to her boot and her blade makes another appearance. Fear is starting to take hold and I try more desperately to get free. But that only makes her push her knee harder into my ribs. I let out a slight whimper of defeat. She drags her blade softly across my cheek, a frightening amount of joy in her eyes. Her knife glides down my neck and lands pointed into my stomach. I can feel tears welling in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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