28| Don't Blow out My Candle

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I slip out into the recreation room, my face still dusted with delight

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I slip out into the recreation room, my face still dusted with delight. Omar stands in front of me, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. I shrug at him, pretending I have no idea why he would be looking at me like that. I plop down and try to hide my face, the smile plastered on it is refusing to peel off.

"So, what are you gonna name it?" He sits down next to me.


"The baby," I blush a bit, shove him harder than intended.

"Shut up."

"Shut up? That's not what I thought you'd pick. I'm rather fond of-"

"Omar!" I snap.

"Holy shit! Can you read my mind?" I roll my eyes and walk off. He seems satisfied with his progress but still he follows me. "I better be invited to the wedding."

"Omar there's not going to be any wedding, I'm only seventeen!" I proclaim.

"And name one thing about this situation that is legal." he leans against the door frame, blocking my path. I fold my arms and grimace at him which only results in him letting out a round of laughter. "Don't worry Princess, I'll happily marry the two of you if I can be the Godfather of Omar Jr."

My scowl only adds to his amusement. "Will you stop that? Don't give me that look."

"I'm not giving you any look!" Omar defends.

"Well then stop laughing at me."

"I'm not laughing at you!"

"Well whatever it is you're doing, stop." I walk back to the couch knowing he's not going to let me through.

Omar follows, "Princess, I'm trying to be the brightness in this dingy place," he raises his hands like he's giving a speech. "The sunlight on a cloudy day. A candle in the dark," he points a finger at me. "Don't blow out my candle."

I bury my face into the pillow for a second before throwing it at Omar. The small pillow hits him in the face, his eyes widen as it falls into his arms. "Omar, can you please go be stupid somewhere else, maybe some place away from me?"

"I said don't blow out my candle!" he chucks the pillow back at me.

"What are you two going on about?" Cash enters the room.

"He started it," I mutter.

"Bro, no I didn't," he sticks out his tongue.

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