30| I'm Not That Heartless

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I'm in an unfamiliar room when I open my eyes

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I'm in an unfamiliar room when I open my eyes. I lay there examining everything. It reminds me of the white room, simple, yet single bedded.

I sit up, running my fingers over the pale bandage that now covers my leg. The panic begins to register.

Memories from before make their way back in my mind, Decklin getting taken, fighting with Jayla, and then being shot.

My head snaps over to the door when it opens, I recognize the doctor, he's the one that helped me when I cut my hand. "Good to see you awake Ms. Williams." he offers me a smile. I don't reply, "And as for your leg, you have some tissue damage in your muscle. You will have to wear a splint for the next while, it's basically just a brace."

I watch him carefully as he moves around the room, typing something on his computer and checking his notes. "You're lucky, the bullet barely missed your femur, it would've caused a lot more problems if it did hit it."

I ignore his information, "How did I get here?"

"Mr. Holloway brought you in Miss," he nods with his reply. Holloway? Why would he help me? What did he do? I was already wounded, why didn't he finish the job and kill me?

Speaking of the devil, there's a soft knock on the door and Holloway walks through. He nods at the doctor, who gets the idea and is quick to leave the room. I watch Holloway like a hawk, he walks towards me but stops a few feet away like he's afraid to come too close. My heart pounds in my chest and I grip the sheets of the bed.

Holloway stares at me and I stare back, neither one of us taking a move to talk. A deep frown is formed on his face, his blue eyes are weary. There's no smirk, no glimpse of depravity, no anger, rather bleakness, bewilderment, and concern.

Though his stare is still intimating. I look away. "Why did you bring me here?"

"What did you think I was going to do? Leave you there?" Well, yes. "I'm not that heartless."

I scoff, "Oh yeah, thanks. You take me from my home, lock me up but you save me when shot, really appreciate it." he doesn't respond. I concentrate on a table of some type of tools that's across the room. "You shot Jenkins?"

He hesitates with his answer, "Yes," his voice is just a whisper, I almost don't hear him.

"Is he alive?" he doesn't respond. "Holloway, you can't just go around and kill everyone! First Hartley and now-"

"Will you stop bringing her up in every conversation?" he grits.

"I just want to know why Holloway. Why her? Why not me? I was the one that caused all this trouble." He looks away, clenching his jaw, the anger is now back but the sadness is still there and I continue to grow more confused. "What did you mean when you said 'you tried'?"

"Stop," it's terrifying how calm his voice is, almost worse than if he was full on yelling at me. "I do not like having to repeat myself, Enver, stop bringing her up."

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