21| Good Thing I'm Not a Mule

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Alright I'm just going to say it... be prepared to cry...

Anger claws at my skin

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Anger claws at my skin. I want to scream at him, but the words cower in my throat. I stand, gently placing Hartley's limp body into Decklin's open arms.

"What plan?" I say, weaker than intended.

"Oh no, I can't spoil the surprise," his evil grin still spread across his pale face. I wish I could tear into him, make him feel our pain, but that puts all of us in more danger.

I feel so helpless.

Holloway snaps his fingers and a fleet of robust men hurry in. They form a wall behind Holloway. Cash's hand rests on my shoulder, and he gives me a defeated frown. I stand and watch as everyone is paired up with a man, each clutching the large guns on their hips.

Bands are stabbed back into it wrists, controlling us once more. I stand alone now, and Holloway steps close to me. His faded sapphire eyes are studying me. His face so close I could touch it, then our eyes met. He pulls back hesitantly.

"You're very stubborn. But even the most stubborn of mules can be broken," his tone is calm for such a threatening sentence, but he's right. I am stubborn.

"Good thing I'm not a mule," I retort, in a tone matching his. His hand flies in the air and his quick motion makes me flinch, but it stays frozen in place.

"You should learn to take my warnings more seriously. Someone could get hurt," he turns and directs one of his men towards me. The tight grasp on my wrist did not prepare me for the pain of the band's thick, steel prongs piercing my skin.

A soft whimper slips through my lips. I'm dragged away and meet the others in a large, shiny, black van. Holloway climbs into the back of his own car, and once again I am towed away to my prison.

The familiar burn of chemicals blast at my skin, the harsh liquid setting my skin ablaze. I don't struggle to free myself from the men's strong hands, letting them drag my seemingly lifeless body to the white room.

They drop me on my knees, the cold, hard tile shattering my bones as well as my spirits. Cash is quick to help me up, and I stumble flimsily to an open bed.

"I'm...I'm so sorry," I look at the group. Jaylas scowling face was missing from the bunch, I try to shove that traitor's image from my mind. Quinn is curled up on a bed of his own, but Hartley is missing.

Alarm flows through my blood. Cash notices my confused brow and gives me a sad look. My heart snaps, crumbling in my chest. The thought of that sweet young girl being tortured by that monster makes me cry out hysterically, "No, no, NO!" I shriek, my trembling hands clawing at my face.

Omar and Decklin smother me with a hug, either to comfort or contain me. We form a large mass of arms and sobs.

I push out from the hug and stumble away not really sure where I'm going. They took Hartley away, and it's my fault. All of this is my fault.

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