13| Jayla's Scary

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I look up to see Omar and Decklin standing a few feet in front of me

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I look up to see Omar and Decklin standing a few feet in front of me.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Doesn't matter," Decklin says as both of them rush over.

"What happened? I can't imagine Cash yelling, at anyone for any reason," Omar rambles.

"He didn't yell at me. This is my fault, I shouldn't have been so stupid."

"It was stupid, but so badass," Omar chuckles, and hearing his laugh makes me smile.

"How's your face?" Decklin asks, reaching towards my cheek. I pull back and he slowly puts his hand down, sort of confused. I can't risk Jayla going after him too.

"Stings a bit, but I can handle it," I smile at them and squeeze them into a group hug.

"I just can't believe he let you go! I mean all signs point to him being furious, so you'd think he'd punish you. Your are a lucky one, Princess,"

"I know, I still don't get it," Decklin's face looks happy, yet somber.

"Lucky is the one thing I'm not," I snicker, gesturing to our surroundings.

"Ha! Guess you're right," Omar chortles as we all head towards the door. The boys return to the recreation room, but I slip into the bathroom. I gaze at my reflection in the dirty mirror.

My cheek is bruised, swollen, and even has some hair thin cuts. If he weren't a crazy psycho who collects and tortures innocent people, he would make a hell of a good pitcher. I rinse off my face, and the cool water soothes the pain.

I look back up at my reflection, everything about me is unrecognizable. I look drained, I try smiling in the mirror, hoping to bring back the girl I used to be but it's still not the same. I'll never be that girl again, no matter how much I'll try and hope it won't happen.

No matter what happens in my life the next few years, nothing will be the same.

I turn my head at the sound of commotion
from the recreation room, we just can't get a break can we? My first thought is that they're back for me. But as I continue to hear chaos I decide to go investigate.

My eyes widen in shock when I see Cash begin dragged away by two men. My first instinct is to run over there, even though I know it's probably not a good idea to interfere with them. "Stop! what are you doing!?" I panic. "Let him go, he didn't do anything!"

I go to grab one of the men's arms but someone rips me backwards, "Calm down Princess, you're only going get yourself in more trouble." Omar whispers but you can also hear the alarm concealed in his voice.

The door slams closed and everyone goes silent, all looking around at each other. He's gone. "I don't understand, what did he do?"

Deckiln shakes his head, "nothing."

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