29| He's Going to Kill Him too

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I stand still, fists clenched, waiting for Holloway's stupid greeting, but it doesn't come

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I stand still, fists clenched, waiting for Holloway's stupid greeting, but it doesn't come. He doesn't even look at me, it's like he doesn't know I'm there. "You think this is funny?!" I let the words flow out of my mouth, they need to be said, even though I know it just might get me in trouble.

Holloway looks up at me, he seems distracted, unfocused. He doesn't say anything back, only looks back down at the stack of papers in front of him. "Why? Why would you show us that? Do you like seeing us, just suffer? Because if so you're really doing a splendid job."

Holloway furrows his eyebrows but still is yet to speak a word, he won't look at me again either. "What are you trying to do?" I ask desperately, my voice becomes softer but quickly rises again.

"What type of sick game are you playing?! First you killed Hartley and now you're reminding us of the lives we lost?!" him being unresponsive continues to tick me off.

I move closer to where I'm standing right up to his desk. "Why? Why would you kill her? Are you really that heartless-"

"Stop it!" he shouts, slamming a hand down on the desk causing me to flinch. He now looks as furious as I do, yet the pain is visible in his eyes. "I tried," his voice cracks and he shuts his eyes, hanging his head low. "I tried..." Holloway falls back into his chair, covering his face away from my view. His shoulders shake yet he doesn't make a sound.

I stand stunned, lost for words. This is not what I expected from Holloway, I thought he would for sure throw some words my way.

Telling me I should've behaved and we deserved everything we got, smirking at the fact that Cash is now at a loss just finding out that he has a son and having to deal with the fact he'll never get to see him.

Jenkins is quickly at my side again, along with Barton, they usher me out of the room and I stare dumbfounded at Holloway until the door closes. I rip my arm out of Jenkins tight hold, "Don't touch me."

He grabs my arm again, tighter this time, "Watch your mouth, I don't want to be here anymore than you do," he growls. "Remember who has the gun here."

I roll my eyes, "That threat is getting old."

Jenkins scowls and pushes me into the white room and I catch a glimpse at Barton's apologetic face before the door shuts. My eyes first meet with Decklin's as he rushes over to me.

Holding me tight in his arms, he whispers words that I don't have time to process. My mind is busy.

Busy trying to understand Holloway's strange demeanor, his words. "I tried," he yelled. What did he mean? Decklin guides me over to my bed and sits me down.

He seems to understand that I don't want to talk. He holds me close to him, resting his chin on my head. We sit like this for a while, until Cash peeks in.

"Um, Deck, do you think I could talk to her alone?" he asks.

"Sure, Cash," Decklin nods, standing slowly and walks out as Cash sits down. Before I have a chance to ask him, he starts talking about his wife.

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