35| Romeo and Juliet

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It wasn't until the next morning Omar returned

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It wasn't until the next morning Omar returned. After my conversation with the kids, I went to take a long shower, somehow trying to wash away how I felt after the lockdown. If that was even possible. I was disgusted. I still am. Being that naïve is something I'm not fond of and I wanted the memories to be gone.

I stayed in the shower until the water turned off itself. I didn't even know it was possible, but I guess we have a time limit on our water usage. After stalling in there, I coop myself up in the white room, trying to avoid Cash at all costs. And it wasn't until Quinn came to get me saying that Omar came back, that I left.

In the recreation room, I find him sprawled out on the couch with a book in hand. Though instead of reading it, he's busy bending the pages. Omar's appearance wasn't that bad, rather than the tired glint in his eyes and his hair being messed up with it pointing in all different directions, he looked fine which is a relief to me.

I fold my arms and clear my throat to get his attention. He looks up and his face instantly brightens. "Ugh, thank goodness you're here Princess. I thought I was going to die."

I eye him. I know I need to tell him about Decklin, Cash too, but somewhere more private. I didn't want to spit it out now. "Where's Cash?"

"He went outside with Quinn... And guess what!" Omar huffs, sitting up properly. "As soon as I come back he goes all, "Omar go lay down,"" Omar lowers his voice, making it unnaturally deep. "Like, there was no welcome at all! not even a "Hi Omar, good to see you're alive." And then..." he points a finger at me. "And then, he leaves me in the hands of the girls."

I turn to Trinity and Taylee, they look back at us with smiles. "And guess what they did. They gave me a book. They wanted me to read Princess." I roll my eyes at his ridiculous behavior, still not saying a word. "And look what it is-" he holds up the book. Upside down. "Freaking, Romeo and Juliet. You honestly can't expect me to read this shit."

"Hey, the writing of Romeo and Juliet is  beautiful," Taylee defends.

"Yeah, but it's also like the Bible hun," Omar tosses the book to the other end of the couch. "It's impossible to understand."

"You were the one that picked the book."

"Well if I would've known I was picking a book that only could be understood by nerds -no offense- I wouldn't have chosen it."

"Maybe you would like it if you would actually give it a shot."

"Please, you'll never catch me reading-"

"Omar." I cut him off. I couldn't stand this anymore, I needed to tell someone before I just blurted it out to everyone.

"-Not right now Princess I'm in the middle of something. As I was saying, reading rots your brains cells and-"

"Omar." I say, running out of patience. "I need to talk to you. Now."

One look at me and he knows I'm serious. "Okay, okay, I'm coming. Damn woman." I let out an exasperated groan and walk outside with Omar reluctantly trailing behind me. I push open the door and spot Cash and Quinn tackling each other. Quinn's face is full of joy, but Cash's eyes have hidden sadness behind them. My heart sinks.

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