45| Revenge

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What is my problem?

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What is my problem?

I don't know why I did what I did. I can't explain what made me tell Enver everything I did and give her that key card. I want to regret it.

 I can't get it out of my head.

I open and close the file that lays in front of me as I try to get myself to work. I keep distracting myself as I watch her through the surveillance cameras as she plays with the kids.

I have to stop.

Releasing a frustrated sigh, I slam my hand against the small button on my desk. I need to do something rather than sit here all day. It's pathetic that Enver can have such a tight grasp on my attention like this. I need to put an end to it.

"Barton," I nod as he enters the room. My hands are on the files in front of me, gently folding and unfolding the corners of the folder.  "Do you know where my father is? I need to speak to him."

 "M-Mr. Amon's away for the hour, Mr. Holloway. He had some things to take care of."

 I clench my jaw, "Mind telling me what those things are?"

"I'm sorry sir," Barton looks away. I hate it when people won't meet my eye. "Mr. Amon made it clear I wasn't allowed to share that information with anyone."

"I don't care what my father said,'' I snarl, bracing my hands on the edge of the desk as I lean over it. "I still have power over you, Barton. It would be wise to tell me what the hell is going on, because it's obviously something that I should be aware of."

"I-I'm sorry, I really can't tell you," he stutters again. It's pathetic how scared he is. It's pathetic I'm wanting answers so badly. "I don't know all the information anyway."

"Then tell me what you do know," I demand, growing impatient. I'm on my last nerve and I'm afraid I'm going to snap. 

Barton shakes his head frantically, eyes wide as he does so. "But-"

"Get out," I run a hand through my hair and sit down in my chair, exhausted and frustrated. "If you're not going to tell me, then get out."

He's quick to obey orders but stops at the door, his hand resting on the handle. "I would check on Ms. Williams if I were you." He pauses with hesitation, "Sorry for your loss..." Then he's gone. Gone before I can ask what in the world he meant.

Sorry for your loss.

My heart skips a beat. He couldn't be talking about Enver, could he? No. I just saw her on the surveillance cameras ten minutes ago. Either way, why would he think I would care if she's dead? I scold myself for having it be her my mind goes to. I find myself checking the cameras once again anyways, and she's there -same place as before- this time talking to Trinity who sits across from her as they talk.

 I stretch out a sigh, frustrated I'm not getting the simple answers I've asked for. I press the silver button again, and in comes the one person that might be able to tell me what's really going on.

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