17| We Have a Chance to Escape

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"We've got to tell her," I hear Mama cry in the kitchen

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"We've got to tell her," I hear Mama cry in the kitchen.

"We can't Evelyn!" Dad shouts at her. "It's only going to freak her out!"

"And what do you think will happen when she finds out on her own?" Mama retorts. "Not only will she be terrified, but she'll hate us for keeping from her," Mama's voice is smaller now, more scared.

I want to help her but I know I shouldn't be listening to this conversation.

"She's going to be more terrified if she finds out now," Dad's voice seems sad. I don't like it when he's sad. "She's only a kid Evelyn, she's too young to know now." he sighs, "We don't even know if she has it too,"

"And what if she does? It's not like she can hide her powers like a birthmark! Something could happen to her if she isn't taught how to control it!" I can't seem to breath, I'm frozen in place by her words.

"We just have to hope she doesn't, how do you think others will treat her if they find out? This is going to ruin her childhood!"

"She'll learn to control it and hide it," Mama grits. "It's not like we have a choice, we knew the risks, and all we can do now is help our little girl." Dad sighs and falls into his chair. His face is buried in his hands, his left leg is trembling slightly.

"Okay," he whispers, "We'll tell her soon."


"Dammit Enver!" Decklin exclaims.

"Why did you do that?!" Omar joins in. Cash whips around and shoots an icy glare at them, and both their jaws clamp shut.

"Shut up you two!" Enver, are you okay? What did it do?" His calm voice helps me collect my thoughts.

"I don't know, there's no pain, nothing. I guess I was wrong," Cash doesn't give up as easily as I did, and he grabbed my wrist for further inspection.

He pokes and prods at the band, twisting my wrist in every direction. Every moment is pure agony on my skin, but I try not to disturb his train of thought with my problems.

I try to look away, hoping that something else will distract me from the searing pain.

"Holy shit, Cash look!" Decklin points to my band. I look to see that it's undone, unlocked. Cash hastily prys it off, and I can't help but to howl out in pain.

It startles the boys, and they realize that I'm in pain. They flip my bare wrist around, palm side up.

"Oh God, oh no no no, this isn't good," Omar starts to fall apart, as he lays eyes on the wounded wrist. His reaction alarmed me and I whipped my head around.

"Omar! Get yourself together! You're going to scare her!" Decklin growls.

"Oh," It looks as if I were bit by a large snake. There were two large puncture wounds, and the surrounding area is red and irritated. Ruby red blood started to drip down my forearm.

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