Chapter 30

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Lexi's POV

Plop, plop

        I heard things near my window and grabbed my phone and scissors off my desk. I look at my phone and see it's around 5 am. I look out and see Hunter with Ranger.

         "Wtf I said I didn't wanna talk to you and get off my horse," I yelled.

        "Just let me explain," he pleaded.

        "Fine," I was sort of done being mad at him because I couldn't bare it

        "She came on me. I was coming out of your bathroom and she pushed me against a wall and made out with me. I tried all I could to get her off. After you left I called her a slut and made her leave. She was gross. I am so sorry and cried for hours. Please except my apology?" he begged.

        I walked downstairs and out the back door and walked up to him and kissed him. I missed his lips even after only a few hours.

        "Does that answer your question?" I swung my leg up on Ranger and the sun was just starting to rise. I made Amber take a pic of us riding in the sunrise since she got Ranger here.

        "Lexi Franta I love you so freaking much I can't describe it."

        "I love you too, Hunter."

        He placed the necklace back on my neck. I was still in my pajamas that consisted of digifest shorts and a tank top. My hair was in a messy bun.

Skye's POV

        "Aww, I ship it so hard," I sighed looking out the window, creepily watching Hunter and Lexi.

        "I know right? Like hashtag Lunter!" Ryan exclaimed from behind me.

"I thought we agreed it was Hexi?" I asked confused.

He shrugged.

        He had spent the night. I thought it would have been awkward since we kissed yesterday, but we've been doing it for years.

Having sleepovers I mean. Not kissing.

        "So what are we going to do today?" Ryan asked, interrupting the silence.

        "I think that Lexi is going to ride, and the guys are going to a party thing. We'll have the house to ourselves." I replied.

        We gave each other a knowing look and screamed, "COOKING!"

        Ryan and I had been officially banned from kitchen after the third fire.

        The only time we got to cook was when everyone left.

        We began laughing evilly until Connor knocked on the door and told us to shut up.

        "Ooh, let's search up some recipes!" Ryan exclaimed.

        I nodded in agreement and grabbed my phone from my nightstand.

        We both flopped onto the bed and began searching stuff on our phones.

        About two hours later, everyone had left the house. We snuck down to the kitchen, just in case somebody was still here.

        When the coast was clear, we crept into the kitchen.

        We decided not to follow a recipe, and just wing it.

        We gathered almost everything in the kitchen, and began mixing it all together.

        "What exactly are we making?"I asked, turning to Ryan, only to be hit in the face with flour.

        He was too busy laughing to notice that I had grabbed the batter.

        After he began hunching over in laughter, I poured it over his head.

        "Ahh, gross, it smells like garbage,"Ryan said, walking slowly towards me.

        I shrieked and backed away, only to bump into the counter.

        "Want a hug?"Ryan asked, his arms wide open.

        "Um, no thanks," I replied, trying to escape.

        I had planned to run through the side, but I slipped on the messy floor and fell, accidentally pulling Ryan with me.

        "Ow,"We both said at the same time, causing me to giggle.

        "So about that hug..."Ryan said, wrapping his arms around me.

        Gosh I love him so much. Wait...what? I'm in love with my best friend...

        That can't be good.

        Suddenly, he began inching his face towards me, then closed the gap, gently pressing his lips to mine.

        He pulled me closer, and I brought my hands up to his head.

        The kiss was soft and sweet, but eventually became more desperate.

        I don't know how long we were kissing until someone cleared their throat.

        We jumped apart startled, only to see Lexi standing there.

        "It's about time you guys. I realized that I had forgot the snacks, but I'll leave you two lovebirds to it." She said smiling, then exiting the room.

        "So..."I said awkwardly.

        "Um.."Ryan replied.

        I really hope his feelings are mutual.

        I decided to get it over with,"IthinkI'minlovewithyou" I said quickly.

        "Wait, say it again,"He said staring at me.

        I groaned, but replied,"I think I love you."

        "One more time,"He told me.

        "Ugh, I love you. I love you Ryan. So much, but I know it's kind of awkw-" I started to say, but was cut off.

        "I love too. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment," He said smiling.

        "Well, we should probably shower. But separately, I guess that was kind of obvious. And I totally wasn't thinking about it. You know what? I'm just making it worse."I stuttered.

He just smiled.

        Then I rushed out of my room to go clean myself.

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