Chapter 5

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Connor's POV

*A half hour earlier*

We were driving back from an event right outside L.A. JC was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Kian, Sam and Ricky were sitting squished in the backseat of the car.

Trevor couldn't come because he was grounded. We passed boring houses.

All the sudden I saw a little girl about 16 crying while sitting on the ledge of a window. I couldn't stand seeing kids like that and I can make a change.

I told JC to turn around. I was adopting a kid. Maybe it's a crazy impulsive decision, but if I'm making a difference in somebody's life then it's definitely worth it. We parked outside and then walked in. The lady at the front desk looked grumpy.

She said, " Hello! I am Mrs. Johnson. What can I help you with today?" She had the most fake smile on her face.

I replied, " We would like to adopt a child."

No duh, Connor. I thought to myself

Everyone was silent. She told us to go sit and she would bring out the files.

We sat in her office and they all tried to talk me out of adopting a child.

They told me that it was too much responsibility and that I wouldn't be able to do everything I liked to do like traveling. They tried to convince me to wait a few years.

I refused. I had to help make a childs' life better. Mrs. Johnson walked in and sat at her desk. She handed us 4 files.

We opened the first one. I saw the same girl that was crying. Her name was Sarah and she was sixteen. She had dark brown hair and hazel/greenish eyes.

The next file had a 14 year old girl named Maggie, she looked just like me. She had light brown hair and bright eyes.

"You should adopt her," said Sam.

I just said, "No, I'm sure she will be adopted any day now, I want a kid that has no other hope except for us."

The next file read Lexi. She had recently turned 14. She had honey blond hair and light brown eyes.

She could be a model. Her profile said she loved horses and watching YouTube. She also would know about us already.

She sounded perfect, but I wanted to make sure that there was nobody else that could be a better match.

We put her file aside. I opened the last file just to be sure she was the one. The next girl was Lexi's twin, Skye. She was just like Lexi but had black/dark brown hair and eyes. She looked sad and kind of depressed and was basically the opposite of Lexi.

She didn't have many hobbies, but in a place like this I doubt you got many opportunities to do anything.

We gave Lexi's file to Mrs. Johnson and she said that both of the girls are going to be called down. I saw Lexi's face look through the glass and our eyes met.

She quickly ran then I heard a fan girl scream O2l. Wow, she is perfect. She walked in and sat down.

"IamLexiandsuchabigfanandIloveyousomuch," She said quickly as she sat down.

"Hi," we all greeted.

"Say that again honey a little slower," JC laughed.

"Hi! I am Lexi and I am a huge fan. I love you guys so much!"

We asked questions for about an hour and a half she answered them so quickly.

She is very bubbly but comes across a little sad. I don't blame her, this is a depressing place.

She walked out then Skye walked in. She had dark brown hair and eyes and looked quite like Lexi.

When you were around Lexi she was very happy and bubbly, but Skye seemed more depressed and sad.

I felt bad she was like this. As we interviewed she sort of gave short answers, but I could tell she was nice.

She walked out in about a half hour.

We talked with Mrs. Johnson then she said, "Ok decision time......"



"We choose....... Lexi." I told her.

She gave a curt nod and exited the room.

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