Chapter 19

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Skye's POV
        Things were a bit lonely with Lexi not being here and all, but I guess I'm a bit used to it.

The dogs kept me company, and I swear Connor came into my room 5 million times to check on me.

        Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but still.

        By the time Lexi came home, she had already made two new friends.

        I honestly was never a people person, so I kind of freaked out when she brought them into my room.

        I managed to say "Hey", but luckily they left an I didn't have to do any more speaking.

That's the thing, Lexi and I have always been complete opposites.

        She has always been optimistic, loves YouTube, and seems like she has a friend magnet attached to her.

        That night we were watching paranormal activities 3, or something like that.

        I wasn't really paying attention. Lexi's dog was biting my arm repeatedly.

        I stood up and excused myself, taking both of the dogs with me.

        Once we had reached my room, I placed them down.

Both of their eyes were wide, and they scurried under my bed.

        I sighed and went over to the treat jar that I had placed on my desk.

        I picked up the jar, and sat back down.

        "Do you guys want any treats?" I asked softly.

        First, Harvey poked his head out from under the bed, not long after came Skylar's.

        I hear foot steps approaching.
Someone knocked on my door, and then I hear Connor's voice ask if I was okay.

        I was tempted to ask him to come in, but I answered that I was fine.

        I decided to just go to bed, but the dogs were still acting weird.

        I decided to let them sleep on the bed with me, and that seemed to calm them down.

        Later that night, I heard a crash. I decided to stupidly go investigate.

        I took Harvey with me, since he is the biggest, and has the deepest bark.

        I was not prepare for what I saw next.

        There were a bunch of girls standing outside, peering in the now broken window.

"IS THIS WHERE O2L LIVES!?!!?" One of the girls screamed.

        "Umm, nope..." I replied.
They were just about to leave, when Connor came downstairs and ruined the plan.

        I hadn't even realized that Harvey had left, but I guess he had gotten Connor.

        "What is going on?" Connor asked groggily.

        I mentally face palmed as all the girls came rushing back.
One by one, every one in the house came downstairs.

        I groaned, and decided to head back upstairs. Harvey followed me back to my room, and jumped up onto my bed.

        This is probably the reason why the dogs were so freaked out before. There were probably a bunch of fangirls hiding in our bushes or something.


        Lexi was off to school, leaving me with a bunch of boys.

        Lexi always looked really nice for school, she always knew how to wear her outfits. While I'm over here trying to figure out how to dress up our dogs.

        Yep, this is what my life has come to, dressing up dogs.

        They were so cute, but obviously Skylar didn't think so. She ripped off her skirt two seconds after I took the photo.

        I guess that was a lost cause, but anyway.

        I decided to go swimming, but first checked to make sure that there were no crazy girls hiding in the deep end.

        When my swim was over, I decided I wanted to go to the store.

        I left a note, then skated over to Walmart.

        First on my list was to buy air freshener. I know it probably sounds strange, but try living with two dogs who love swimming, and a bunch of boys who refuse to help me bathe the dogs.

        What I saw in the next aisle was quite disturbing.

        My worst nightmare (again) were all standing there staring at me.

        There were about 11 girls all pointing at me.

        The one in front came up, and in between chewing her gum said, "You're so ugly, why did they adopt you?"

        I didn't even realize what I said next until I had already said it.

        "Well I don't see them adopting you anytime soon," I retorted.

        Then I flipped my hair and walked away, or at least that is what I had imagined myself doing, but I tripped, ruining the effect.

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