Chapter 8

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Skye's POV

The second she saw me I realized I probably shouldn't have told her ever about running away.

I excused myself and left Walmart briskly.

Now I looked nothing like Lexi, the only thing that was alike before was the eyes, now we look like totally different cultures.

I remember one night Maggie and I had both gotten grounded for eating too much, Mrs. Johnson had locked us in the storage room for 8 hours to teach us a lesson.

Well, Maggie taught me how to speak a couple of the languages she knew.

Her grandmother had been French and she had taken Spanish in school before her family could no longer afford to have kids.

Now I could change my accent and language and nobody would have any idea who I was. I decided to start out being French, but maybe I would eventually switch to Spanish.

I decided to walk to the mall since it looked like it was going to rain. If I was lucky they would be giving out some free samples of food.

I was playing on one of the iPads in the Apple store, and saw it had YouTube.

The second I clicked on it, I saw that there was a video with millions of views on the trending page.

I started to watch the video and saw the guys who adopted Lexi.

She was in the video! She was holding a puppy, an iPhone, a mac book pro, and a bunch of other stuff.

They introduced her and she was smiling the whole video.

I felt a pang in my heart, which at first I thought was jealousy, but it was something I had never felt before.

I missed her, I know it may sound cheesy, but my sister, my best friend, she was gone. It felt as though a part of me was missing now.

She was already famous, and in a couple of years, she would probably forget me.

At least I'll be able to stalk her through the Internet.

I guess YouTube isn't so bad. Especially since it's probably the only way I'll be able to see my sister.

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