Chapter 6

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Skye's POV

I could hear them from the other room, I knew I couldn't trust Mrs. Johnson, she promised us she wouldn't separate us ever , but she broke it.

I sadly helped Lexi pack her three outfits. I felt bad not saying goodbye, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

A few minutes later when Lexi was in the bathroom, I grabbed my small amount of money and jumped out the single window in our room.

It was something I had taught myself to do when I was 6. I had never stayed out for long. Most of the time I just went to the park to play on the playground, but that was when I was younger.

And I ran. I had no idea where I was going, but I kept running. Mrs. Johnson doesn't care if I leave, but she's gonna be pissed that I brought my money with me. Not that she knew about it though.

I had a total of $14.50, which I had been saving for 6 years. It definitely wasn't enough to help me survive, but it was better than having no money.

I walked into the nearest Walmart. Along the way I had found a twenty dollar bill on the ground of a parking lot. Hopefully my luck is changing for the better.

I walked around for a while, just thinking, until I stopped in front of the makeup aisle.

If I was going to pull this off, I needed to change my appearance. I doubt that Mrs. Johnson would send anybody looking for me, but in the case that she did I needed to be ready.

I never want to go back to that place ever again.

I kept looking through the store, and that's when I saw the colored contacts.

I knew that if I didn't want to recognized, I would have to change my eyes. I ended up going with an emerald green.

My makeover took about an hour. My hair was still the same as before, but I was wearing it in a different style.

While I normally wore it down or in a low ponytail, I had now had two French braids in it. I also picked up some cheap clothes to change my outfit.

I looked like a different person, but I was still acting depressed, and I knew Lexi would be able to identify me by the expression on my face, and the sadness in my eyes.

I practiced for an hour, trying to smile, and eventually I cracked a small one. It wasn't amazing, but it was a start. I thought about Lexi and how amazing her life would be, and that made me somewhat happy for her.

I was just about to leave the store when, low and behold, O2 something and Lexi walk in. Here was the real test, I put on my happiest face and my bounciest walk and skipped past them.

I couldn't believe they didn't recognize me, Lexi especially. In some ways I was kind of hurt that my twin didn't recognize me, but that's life.

It's probably best if she doesn't know it's me. I don't want to upset her.

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