Chapter 11

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Skye's POV

        I could hear her. I wished that I could tell her who I was, but I couldn't move or see. I almost started crying when she said she named her puppy Skylar. I missed her so much, even though she was right there.

        I knew that eventually if I woke up, they would ask for my name and everything. But I couldn't tell them the truth. I would be sent back to the orphanage.

        I knew it was going to be a while until I woke up. Over the course of the next few days, o2l and Lexi came to visit. On the sixth day I overheard the doctor asking Kion or something like that, if she could pull the plug. Basically she was asking for permission to kill me.

        I couldn't really hear what he said, but it sounded like a yes. I panicked, I gathered up all the strength I could muster and screamed. Sure, it came out sounding like a small whimper, but now they knew I was alive.

        At least they can't pull the switch now, or maybe they can but that is awful. I slowly began to take in some light...


Kian's POV

        Dr. Greenman had just asked me if it would be alright to shut off the mystery girl's oxygen supply. I tried to make myself say no, but it came out as a yes. What had I just done? I just agreed to kill somebody.

        What if her parents find out that I killed her? I'll tell you what, they would probably kill me. At least her parents would be informed that it was our only choice.

        As soon as she dies, they are going to test her DNA. All of a sudden, just as the Nurse was about to flip the switch, a faint groan came from the girl.

        Lexi ran in crying begging me not to let the girl die.

         "Would you want some random person saying it was alright to kill me?!" She sobbed. I wasn't quite sure what to do, the girl was on the brink of dying.

        Without the machine, the girl would have died a long time ago.

        Nobody had really paid much attention to the rain before, that it until the lights flickered.

        "EMERGENCY PROTOCOL, GET THE GENERATORS REA--" The voice over the loudspeaker was cut off by the lights going out.

        The heart monitor turned off, there was no way to tell if the girl was still alive.


Skye's POV

        I couldn't really tell what was happening, but I knew it wasn't good. Slowly but surely I felt my air being cut off. All of a sudden I spiked, I was having another seizure. My heart weakly kicked in, but my lungs began to swell.

        I couldn't control it, the second time I spiked, I'm pretty sure I broke a rib. My lungs were almost closed when somebody fell on top of me.


Connor's POV

        The girl began to jolt, I'm pretty sure she was either having a heart attack or another seizure. Doctor Greenman went to go check it out, but he stupidly tripped over his own feet and landed on top of the girl, crushing her.

A week later:


Skye's POV

        I slowly began to open my eyes, I was surrounding by a group of people starting to cheer. I was so confused, where was I?

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