Chapter 21

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So proud of Connor I will support him no matter what I am so proud to say I have loved him since o2l days and always will. anyways lets start this chapter and idk yet if I am going to include him coming out in this story..-Maddie

*next morning*
Lexi's POV
        " Lexi get upppp," Sam said while shaking me. I am a pretty heavy sleeper so you'll have to shake me to get me out of bed.

        "Okay.. okay I'm up I get ready get out!" I said to Sam.

I got up and took a shower. Today was the 2nd day of vidcon and I am wearing a teal bow back tank dress that falls just above my knee.

It was around 9:30 when we headed to the convention center. When we got there I headed to the lounge place again.

         Andrea was curling her hair so I asked her if she would curl mine too. Skye sat on the couch happier than normal.

         This boy she met is doing something to her that no one else could... he's making her happy. Andrea, Jenn, and I all gossip about our crushes and stuff like that. the boys weren't in the room, they probably were filming.

         Andrea curled my hair and put a little make up, just enough to notice. last night I texted Hunter for a while.

He said he has a surprise for me but he wouldn't tell me what. by the time we finished my hair it was time to start.

         I went to dad's booth and we waited and looked at all the fangirl a in line to meet 02l. one group if people stood out. it was Paige, Bree, and... Hunter.

I had butterflies in my stomach and i think my face was becoming red. I ran to Andrea's booth to ask for advice.

I pulled Andrea aside as I panicked to figure out what to do. Andrea told me to stay calm and try to act normal. I ran back to Dads booth and saw hunter Bree and Paige were all really close to the front of the line.

        "Next," the security said
as they walked up.

        "Hey," I said awkwardly

        " Hi," said Hunter. He sounded calm and cool like he was just talking to a friend.

        " Hey girly," Paige and Bree said in unison.

        I hugged them all, yes, all even Hunter. I was having a mini party in my mind.

They took a picture with Connor and he told them they could get vip passes since he had extras. He took them out of his pocket and I showed them around behind the scenes.

I saw Andrea as she gave me the "oooo killem" look I glared at her not amused.

         I went to the bathroom connected to the lounge as they talked when I was done I decided to listen to their conversation before leaving the bathroom.

        " So do you like Lexi??" Jenn asked Hunter

        " Well, she's a great girl and all but i really don't know her yet and am not really that attracted to her.."


My whole world just shattered to pieces. I decided to just try to stay strong for the rest of the day. I walked into the lounge breaking the silence.

        "Hey...." I murmured.

        " Hi.." they all said
We decided to go meet more youtubers before the end of the day.

* that night*
Lexi's POV

        We are home now.. thank god that was the most awkward thing ever. I ran up to my room slammed the door and locked it.

Skye's POV

        It took a lot of convincing, but Connor finally agreed to letting me stay home, as long as I invited Ryan over for "protection from psychopaths."

        I had rolled my eyes at this, but I invited Ryan over anyway.

        Once Ryan came, we watched TV for like 3 hours, but then we got bored.

        Suddenly, the phone rang. I rushed to get it while Ryan screamed, "THE PHONE! THE PHONE IS RINGING! THE PHONE, WE'LL BE RIGHT THERE!"

        I motioned for him to shut up as I picked up.


"HEYYY, GUESS WHAT?????????"-Andrea

"Umm, what?"-S


"Really? Yay! Okay I have to go, I think Ryan broke a vase or something."-S

"But you guys don't have any vases in the living room..."-A

"Exactly" I said then hung up.

        I walked back into the living room to see Ryan on the ground dramatically pretending to die.

        "What did you break?" I asked suspiciously.

        His eyes widened, and he quickly got up and rushed out of the room.

        I chased after him, but he has really long legs, so there was no point.

        I heard the front door open and then slam, then I saw Lexi rush past us into her room.

        "I am guessing it didn't go so well..." Ryan whispered.

        I nodded, then proceeded to dragging him into the kitchen to bake her cookies or something.

        We could barely find any of the ingredients, but we finally had found enough stuff to make a cake, when Ryan dropped one of the eggs on the floor.

        I groaned. That was one of the few eggs we had. Just great... I guess we have to make cookies now.

        After we had put the cookies into the oven, we decided to go comfort Lexi.

        "Knock, Knock." I said softly before opening her door. Lexi was crying on her bed.

        I sat down on the end of the bed and said, "Guys are stupid, don't let them break your heart. There are billions of men out there, and even though this may not sound comforting, we are young. We still have a long way to go. Make Hunter jealous."

        "Ummm, ex-cuu-use meh, I am a guy..." Ryan said in a girly voice, making Lexi giggle a little.

        The next thing you know, the fire alarm went off.

        "THE COOKIES!!!!!!" Ryan and I exclaimed at the same time, rushing downstairs. I desperately searched for a fire extinguisher.

        After spraying the oven for a long time, even after the fire was out, we finally calmed down. I heard Lexi walk down the stairs, she was laughing hysterically.

        "You should have seen your guys' faces." She giggled.

        Then she saw the oven. Her jaw dropped and she went into another fit of laughter. The oven was covered in white foam, and the kitchen was a mess.

        "We must hide the evidence..." Ryan exclaimed. We set to cleaning the kitchen right away.

        Eventually, we uncovered the definitely burnt cookies.

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