Chapter 38

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Skye's POV

I walked next to Ryan and Lexi up the stairs to the door of the apartment building. Lexi had brought the letter with her so we would know the address.

"Wow this place has the air conditioning on high! Let's hope I don't get hypomaria," Ryan exclaimed.

"What the heck is hypomaria?" I asked laughing.

"When you're cold and your fingers and toes fall off and you die," Ryan told me.

"That's hypothermia," Lexi and I said in unison.

"I'm pretty sure you guys are wrong on this one," he said.

"If you say so," Lexi replied smiling.

We walked up to the front desk and handed the person the letter and explained why we were here.

We took the elevator up to floor 3.

We then stood in front of the apartment door for a good 5 minutes before Ryan interrupted the silence.

"So, who wants to knock?" He asked before saying rather loudly, "NOT IT!"

"I'll do it," Lexi said before bringing her hand up to the door and gently rapping on it.

A couple minutes later the door was opened by a tall woman with long red hair and blue eyes.

"May I help you?" She said rather rudely.

Ryan spoke up and said, "Hi there! We received a letter the other day with this address and apartment number. Are you the lady who sent the letter? Also, can you tell me where you got your doormat because my mom is in the process of buying a new one for our house and yours looks really nice. It's got a great font."

She looked at confused.

"May I see the letter?" She inquired.

Lexi handed her the letter and the woman stared at it long and hard.

"If you'll excuse me I'll be right back," she said before shutting the door in our faces.

"Okay then..." I said slowly.

We waited there for a few more minutes before the door was opened by a man.

I gasped as soon as I saw his face. He was like the male version of Lexi and he looked to be in his thirties. He had blonde hair and brown eyes and the same features as her, only a bit more masculine.

I could tell that Ryan made the connection too because his jaw had dropped and he looked very confused.

"Do come in girls," he said before seeing Ryan, "and guy."

He opened the door wider and welcomed us in. I grabbed Ryan's hand and he held is reassuringly.

All of my basic lessons in life have told me not to go into stranger's homes. And here I was entering a strange man's apartment.

The man cleared his throat before saying, "Alexis, Skyler, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm your father, Johnathan."

"What??" Lexi, Ryan, and I asked.

"Did you send the letter?" Ryan asked him.

"No, their mother did.  And who even are you?" Our 'dad' replied.

"I'm your daughter's husband. I mean boyfriend," Ryan told him.

"Which one?" he asked.

"He's mine," I said, speaking for the first time since we had been there.

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