Chapter 37

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Skye's POV

Lexi had been miserable for almost a week now. I'm so mad at Hunter. I can't believe that he would do something like this AGAIN. I really wanted to go to his house and kill him with a spoon or something.

"Ryan?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"You want to go for a drive?"

Lexi and I had both gotten our cars a couple days ago. I had chosen a black jeep while Lexi chose a cream convertible Mini Cooper.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to the car.

"So where are we going?" He inquired.

"To a cheater's house," I told him.

"Skye, I'm not normally the sensible one in this relationship, but is this really a good idea?"

"Nope," I said. I admit I wasn't really thinking this all through, but at the moment I didn't really care.

I parked in his driveway and marched up to the door. Ryan jogged after me.

I knocked three times before the girl we had seen kissing Ryan opened the door.

"Someone forgot to take out the trash," I muttered eyeing her.

"Skye..." Ryan said.

"I know, I know," I replied before asking the girl if Hunter was home.

A few minutes later Hunter appeared in the doorway. He greeted us with a smile.

"Care to inform us who that girl is?" Ryan asked.

"That's my cousin Jess," Hunter said.

"So you have a tendency to make out with your cousins?" I asked arching a brow.

"Well, um," He struggled to answer.

I lunged at him and landed one punch before Ryan grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

Hunter was on the ground in pain, holding his right eye.

"Might want to put some ice on that," Ryan said, slapping Hunter's back harshly before leading me back to the car.

"He makes me so mad!" I said angrily.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, he ordered that sushi from a restaurant the other day. He only pretended to be the one who made it. I was planning on doing that too but we both know that wouldn't have been very believable," Ryan informed me.

I gave him a small smile before starting the engine.

"Do you think it would dent my car if I hit the gas and rear ended his car?" I asked Ryan.

He thought about it for a second.

"Maybe, I don't think it's worth it though. Your jeep is new."

I sighed and backed out of his driveway.

On the way home we stopped for frozen yogurt. I was paying for mine when all of a sudden the store manager let out a yelp.

I looked up to see that Ryan had broken one of the machines and Froyo was spurting out everywhere.

My eyes widened, "RYAN!"

"I didn't know that was going to happen," He exclaimed.

"You're going to have to pay for that!" The manager yelled angrily.

"Actually your machine is a liability and we could technically sue you," Ryan told him.

I have no idea what Ryan was talking about, but it worked and we ended up getting the yogurt for free.

"What could we have even sued him for?" I asked as we were leaving the shop.

"I have no clue. I was just hoping he would believe me," He replied.

Oh, Ryan.

As we were walking back to the car my eyes caught the apartment building across the street.

"Isn't that the address that was in that weird letter we got?" I asked.

"You expect me to remember an address?" Ryan snorted.

I sighed. He was helpless.

"Can you call Lexi and ask her to meet us here? My phone's dead," I asked Ryan.

"Okie dokie artichokie," He replied.

Ring, Ring

"Hello? This is Lexi."

"Hi Lexi! This is Ryan!"

"I know. You're in my contacts."

"Really?! I'm so honored! What's my contact name?"

"Ryan. Now why did you call? And where are you guys?"

"Well, that's not a very fun name. But we left a little earlier to go to Hunter's house so Skye could beat him up and now-"


"Oops, I wasn't supposed to say that. Anyway, we found that apartment that was in the creepy letter we got! Can you come meet us here?"

"I guess I have nothing better to do."

Lexi's POV

I ran to the door and grabbed my keys as quick as I could and swung open the front door. On the other side of the door stood a confused Sam.

"Where are you going so panicked Missy!?"He asked me.

"I have something to do I have to go. I'll tell you about it later.." I said quickly.

"Ok, but knowing you I think you want to change before I leave. Especially if you are seeing... Well you know who.." Sam said waiting for me to react.

I looked at my outfit. I was wearing sweats and a baggy t- shirt.. Yikes.

I bolted back up the stairs to my room to change. I threw on a basic black romper that was low cut in the front and complemented my body well.. Or at least that's what Hunter said..

Well at least he will be jealous of what he lost when he sees me in this outfit. I couldn't bother with a ton of makeup so I threw on my rose gold sunglasses and swiped my red eos across my lips.

I ran back down the stairs and slipped on black braided sandals and ran out the door.
I started up my car and frantically drove to where Skye said she was. I parked on the street and called Ryan.

"Hola Amiga mas guacamole?"

"Hey Ryan... Do you even know what u just said.?"

"Nope... I just know those words from ordering from chipotle."

"You're so weird.. Now I see why you and Skye are together. Anyways, where are you guys I am parked on the street outside of the apartment."

" Don't worry me Amiga super Ryan will save you."

"You are the weirdest person I have ever met. Seriously, where are you though?"

"Ooo I have spotted you. Skye and I are heading over now."

He hung up the phone and soon my door was opened by Ryan. I hopped out and locked the car behind me.

"So where is this place?" I asked

"Follow us.. We think we have a good idea,"  Skye said as they walked in front of me.

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