Chapter 31

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(A/N Hey guys! It's Abby. I'm sorry we haven't updated in a while. I'm also sorry about it updating all of the chapters since I went back and edited everything. I also added the official cast! We are going to start adding the people from the contest in soon. As you might have noticed, this book isn't really revolving around O2l anymore, but we hope you guys still enjoy it.)

Skye's POV

I stayed in the shower for a really long time, since getting flour wet makes it super hard to wash out.

Everything is going to be so awkward between Ryan and I now, and I am not looking foward to it.

"Ryan?" I called into the empty hallway.

"Here!" His voice echoed from the living room.

"Oh, Um, hey," I said as I entered the room.

He smiled and patted the spot next to him on the couch, motioning for me to sit down.

"What are we?" I blurted out.

"What do you mean?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Like, are we friends, best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, stuff like that." I replied, waiting for his answer.

"Well, I don't know," He told me after a moment of silence,"but we will know if you can come into the kitchen for a second.

Not only was the kitchen spotless, on the counter there were fries, arranged to spell out: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

He waited anxiously next to me, and was shocked when I spun around and flung my arms around him.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" I exclaimed happily.

"Not a million times?" He asked, feigning sadness.

I just laughed and kissed him.

"Can I eat the fries?" I asked him, my mouth watering.

"I thought you would never ask," He told me, stuffing a handful of them into his mouth.

Beep. Beep.

My phone and Ryan's phone vibrated simultaneously. I quickly grabbed mine from the counter and read the text which said:

Bonfire Party at the beach, 7:30p.m.?--Lex

"You got invited too?" I asked him, looking over to his screen.

"Yeah. Do you want to go?" He answered.

A bonfire party sounds fun and all, but I don't know how many people will be there.

"Can I think about it?" I asked.

"Yeah, whatever you want to do." He told me, smiling.

Ugh. Where did I find a guy so perfect? Oh yeah, the girl's bathroom. I still hadn't stopped teasing him about that, even after five years.

"Okay. Do you want to go swimming?" I said.

"YES! I will go get my swimsuit." He replied, running off.

He basically had his own room, even though it was technically a guest room. He had a bunch of clothing in the closet.

I headed upstairs to change into my swim suit. I settled on a bikini with matching high waisted bottoms.

Ryan had changed much faster than me, and was already swimming in the pool by the time I was outside.

I'm not sure how long we were in the pool, but after splashing around for a while, Ryan checked his watch.

"The bonfire starts in like ten minutes," He told me.

"I guess we could go," I said unsure.

Since we live right on the beach, we could just walk over to the party. I grabbed my tank top from one of the pool chairs and slipped it on.

We soon saw a large fire burning, and headed over to that area,

A lot of people were already there, including Lexi, Hunter, Bree, Paige, Amber, as well as a bunch of people I had never seen before.

"MARSHMALLOWS!"Ryan exclaimed, running over to the bag.

I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

It had been a few hours and I was feeling really uncomfortable. I decided to take a walk along the water.

I would have brought Ryan, but he was laughing and talking to Hunter, so I decided to leave him alone.

Lexi's POV

I decided that we should all do a bonfire because we really don't get to all hangout. A lot of people can including Hunter, Skye, Ryan, Amber, Bree, Paige, Trevor's girlfriend Gianna, Sams girlfriend Danny and many more.

I sat next to Gianna and Danny as we talked. I decided to do a photo shoot because why not?

I made Annabelle, Amber's sister take pics because she wanted to be a photographer.

We all took group photos and artsy photos. I went back to the campfire and we roasted marshmallows and made smores.

Gianna and I sang old songs like thinking out loud and never be alone. I had a swimsuit on so I went night swimming with everyone else. All of the sudden something pulled me under...

Skye's POV

I had been walking for about half an hour when I decided to go swimming.

I was just paddling along when a hand grabbed my foot.

I almost shrieked out loud, but thinking that it was Ryan I stopped myself.

"Ryan, stop it, this isn't funny," I said as the hand grabbed my ankle.

Nothing happened.

"Is that you Lex?" I asked scared.

I still had no reply.

The next time the hand grabbed my leg I tried to kick at it, only to be pulled under.

I couldn't hold my breath for long, so eventually I began to start seeing spots.

I thrashed one more time until I gave up and everything grew dark.

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