Chapter 33

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Lexi's POV

In front of me was a beautiful island scene that looked like it was straight from a movie.

Skye screamed and hugged Ryan. I kissed Hunter and took his hand to see what was ahead.

We walked towards a dome shaped tent connected to another dome shaped tent exactly like it from the outside. Hunter lead me to our tent and said the other one was for Skye and Ryan.

A big blanket covered the ground and
different color pillows lining the edges of the tent and fairy lights were strung from the front of the tent acting as a door.

There were 2 bags that I assume had clothes in them. A striped blanket covered the ground.  The sound of waves crashing on the beach and seagulls squawking filled my ears.

I sat down next to Hunter took in the scenery. Hunter put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder.

"This is beautiful, Hunter. I don't even know what to say.." I said tearing up.

"If it makes you happy it's worth every minute," he smiled.

I took off my shoes and laid down next to Hunter. Skye and Ryan weren't in sight. Knowing them they probably were exploring and got lost.

I checked my phone that Hunter brought, it was 5:00. Hunter snatched my phone out of my hand.

"This is a phone free date. No texting or kiking."

I leaned in to kiss him but turned my cheek when he went to kiss me.

"Got to catch me to kiss me!!" I said as I ran across the soft sand barefooted.

I was kicking up a ton of sand but it didn't hit Hunter's face because he was really tall. All the sudden two muscular hands grabbed my waist and turned me around. He kissed my lips and I stood on my tiptoes to reach his lips.

"Ooo I'm totally posting this!!" Said Ryan.

I just smiled at Hunter and laughed. We all sat in the tent and Hunter got out some food.

"I made this just for us." Hunter said as he took out some sushi and chop sticks.

"My favorite!!! Where did you learn this?" I said.

"Some friends helped, but it was my idea," Hunter said.

He put sushi in my mouth as I put it in his.

"You guys are gross," gagged Ryan.

We looked over to see Ryan smirking and pulling easy mac out from behind him.

Skye's POV

I looked and saw Ryan pulling something out from behind his back. I knew it wasn't going to be anything gourmet since he can't cook to save his life, but I had hoped that it would be something better than easy mac.

"And I made us some easy mac," he exclaimed.

"Well, at least you didn't destroy anything," I replied.

"Actually... about that," he started to say.


"I'm sorry!" he shouted, scrambling to get up.

I jumped up and began chasing him. He was going to tell me whether he wanted to or not.

"Fine, fine, I accidentally broke the microwave!" He exclaimed in surrender.

"I'm not paying for it," I told him.

He rolled his eyes but smiled.

"I'm not either," He yelled as he took off running.

"RYAN XAVIER JACOBS, GET BACK HERE!" I screeched chasing him.

He suddenly stopped, but I unfortunately kept going.

We collided and hit the ground.

"Oww," we complained.

"So, you're paying for the microwave?" I asked.

He groaned, but nodded.

"I wonder how the sushi twins are doing," Ryan said.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Why did you guys bring us here? Besides to eat of course." I inquired.

"I actually don't know. Hunter did all of the planning. I'm not exactly a guy who does this kind of thing," Ryan replied.

"COME ON GUYS! WE ARE GOING TO WATCH THE SUNSET!" We heard Lexi and Hunter call.

"I guess that's what we're going to do," Ryan said as he grabbed my hand and basically dragged me towards the tent.

I sighed as we watched the sun set. The sky was decorated in swirls of orange, pink, and purple. The wind was blowing gently and the waves were lapping against the beach.

"It's beautiful," Lexi smiled.

Hunter wrapped his arms around Lexi and pulled her closer, kissing her.


Ryan and I soon headed into our tent and sat down. Since we are always hungry, we decided to go High School Musical 2 style and throw grapes at each other.

Well, it was less romantic, seeing as Ryan wasn't even letting me try to catch the grapes, and was just throwing them nonstop at me.

I laughed as another grape hit me.

"Stop!" I yelled.

He slowly leaned forward.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He just smiled and continued to get closer.

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