Chapter 26

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(Charlotte's POV)

It's been almost 4 months since I last saw Niall. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't painful. It most definitely was the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life. The only positive thing that had come out of me being away from the boys is that I've started to remember things that I forgot when I hit my head. I remember that I had a boyfriend sometime before I went off for my audition named Dustin, I just don't know if we're still going out or anything, I mean he surely would have called me or tried to contact me if we were....but not every thing I remembered were very up lifting. I recall having a massive fight with all my friends before I left for my audition. They were all mad that I was just up and leaving them all behind to pursue my 'stupid, unrealistic, childish, and just plain moronic' dream of being an actress. That explains why I haven't heard from any of them. And then I remembered my parents and sisters. I didn't really think much of it before. I was always busy with either Niall or hanging out with Jasmine and Jordyn. But as soon as I had time to myself, I realized that I hadn't talked to them in months. It wasn't until my actual memory started coming back that I realized why. They were all killed in a car wreck coming to see me at school two years ago. My mom. My dad. Anna, my 6 year old sister. Even Eloise, who wasn't even a year old at the time. All of them, just gone. As soon as I remembered this terrible portion of my past, I cried and cried. Cried for days. I would always want to turn to Niall for comfort, but then I remembered what had happened and I just cried even harder. To say the last four months of my life was absolute crap would be an understatement. There were many times were I just wanted to give up and call Niall right then and there and tell him that I had forgiven him and I just wanted to be with him again, but that would make me seem weak. I just couldn't do it. I had to be strong and make him face the consequences of what he had done.

It was really hard trying to avoid him though. With Jordyn going out with Harry and us being best friends with the other guys. At the beginning, whenever I would see them they would all try and convince me to get back with Niall, that he was just a bad off, of not worse, than I was, that we needed each other, we were meant to be. They eventually got the picture that I wasn't going to give in to their constant nagging so they stopped. Now we could hang out and it was almost like nothing ever happened between me and Niall. Every time I see him on tv doing an interview with the other boys,though, my heart breaks a little. Even though its been four months, you can tell he isn't the same Niall he was before. There's no sparkle in his eye and every time they ask the typical 'So who's single and who's taken?' he looks like he's trying his hardest to hold back the tears threatening to spill over. I wish I could just run up and hug him because I know it could take away all of his pain but I just can't.

I'd been thinking about Niall way too much in the last couple of weeks so I decided to do something to get my mind off of it. I decided that I needed a little retail therapy. I drug myself out of my bed, not even bothering to take a shower. I trudged over to my bathroom where I put on as little makeup as possible and put my hair up into a quick messy bun. I threw on my favorite jeans and a sweatshirt and tugged on my old beat up vans before I grabbed my phone and keys. I left a note on the counter telling Jasmine where I had gone and if she needed anything to call me then I headed out to my car. After a quick 10 minute drive, I was pulling into a parking space of the surprisingly empty mall. There weren't that many people there considering the fact that it was the weekend. Oh we'll. I brushed it off as I walked in and headed straight to my favorite store; Forever 21. As I was walking past all the other shops on the way to the one I wanted, I got a text.

From: Jazzzz;)

Hey girlie! Got your note. Have fun today and don't do anything I wouldn't do;) haha jk just be back before dinner because you know how I hate fixing it all by myself :( love ya! See ya soon!

As I finished reading the text and began my reply, I ran smack into somebody and was falling towards the ground until I felt a pair of strong arms save me from hitting the solid floor. As I looked up at the stranger who had saved me, it felt like all the breath had been knocked out of me and the dam of tears I've been holding back was about to break.



Sorry guys, this is a short and crappy chapter, just thought if update since some people (*cough cough* Jordyn Boling *cough cough*) are bugging me to update. Again, I'm sorry for the suckiness of this chapter but hey, over 17k reads!! Only 20 more fans until we get to 300! Keep up the commenting/voting/fanning! We love you all

-<3- Bailey

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