Chapter 2

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Ik I said I would upload two weeks ago but 1) our internet stopped wrking and 2) I have been extremely busy lately. I'm sorry and I will try as hard as possible to upload a lot sooner next time!

<3 Bailey


“That’s a wrap! Great job today lads. Can’t wait until these actually air on TV!”

We just finished filming for our special announcement on Nickelodeon. We had so much fun. I really didn’t want to stop filming.

We all grab our stuff and head down the hallway. We’re joking around and just having fun like usual. I don’t realize there’s another person walking in our direction until it’s too late. I run smack into the girl who was walking toward us. Well that is until I run smack into her.

“Oh no!” Before I can reach out and catch her, there is a loud thump and she's lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen was lying unconscious on the floor because of me. Before I even think about what I’m doing, I scoop her up into my arms and start speeding down the hallway, toward the elevator.

“Dude! What are you doing?” Liam is yelling at me, trying to get my attention, but I just keep walking down the hallway. I’m suddenly jerked around and am face to face with Harry’s piercing green eyes.

“Niall, what are you planning on doing with her.” I can tell he thinks this is funny by the smirk that is trying to force itself onto his lips.

“What do you think I’m doing, Harry!? There’s just kind of a passed out girl in my arms! We have no idea who she is or if she’s even ok! Do if you’ll excuse me, I have to get her to the hospital!” With that, I turn around and start down the hallway again. I hear mumbling behind me, followed by the steady sound of feet following me down the hallway.

When I get to the elevator, the other lads are finally caught up to me, and they mumble their apologies to me. The elevator ride is awkward and everyone is dead silent, just staring at the mysterious girl lying unconscious in my arms, just willing her to wake up.

As soon as the doors open, we all bolt out, not running, but not quite walking either. We get to our car as fast as humanly possible, but when we open the door, we are suddenly struck with the dilemma of where we’re going to put the girl for the trip to the hospital. While the lads are trying to figure the seating situation out, I pass her off to Liam, climb into the trunk of the van, grab her from Liam, and shut the trunk. They don’t realize that I’ve figured it out until I tap on the window and signal for them to get a move on. It clicks for them and they climb into the car, Liam driving, Zayn in the passenger seat, and Louis and Harry in the backseat doing god knows what. As we drive to the hospital, I’m not aware of anything else going on in the car. I’m just staring at the beautiful girl lying unconscious in my arms. I glance down at her hand and notice she hand and realize she has a small bag strapped to her wrist. I slowly slide it off and unzip it. I realize it’s her wallet. I quickly flip through it and locate her driver’s license.

 “Guys! I found her wallet! .Her name is Charlotte, She’s 18 years old, and she lives in London! There’s also contact information here so as soon as we get to the hospital, we have to call her parents!”

“Nialler, Just calm down.” Liam tis trying to calm me down but the excitement is too overwhelming. Now that we know who she is, it feels like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. I was so excited, in fact, that I didn’t notice that Charlotte isn’t breathing and she’s starting to turn blue.

“Uhh, guys! She’s not breathing!”

“What!?” Liam slams his foot on the break and everyone goes flying towards the front of the car.

“Don’t stop driving, Stupid!” As Liam slams his foot onto the gas, everyone in the car goes into panic mode.

“Lads! What do I do?” Next thing I know, Harry is climbing into the trunk with me and is pressing his lips to Charlottes. A strange feeling shoots through me as I see Harry’s lips pressed to hers. Is that jealousy? No, it can’t be. I only know this girls name. I can’t be jealous that Harry is practically kissing her. Pushing those feelings away, I watch as Harry starts to give her chest compressions, willing her heart not to give up. It seems like forever until we reach the hospital, but it’s really barely even been a minute. As soon as the car is no longer moving at a deadly speed, Zayn jumps out and sprints as fast as he can into the hospital and almost instantly returns, followed by 3 nurses and a stretcher.

“What happened?” The first nurse starts asking us questions as the other two put Charlotte onto the stretcher and rush her into the hospital.

“We were walking down the hallway and she just ran into me. When she hit the ground, she was knocked unconscious, but she was still breathing. Then on the way here, I looked down at her and she wasn’t breathing. Harry started giving her mouth to mouth and about a minute later we got here.” The nurse just nods and looks at me like I was about to pass out. I’m rushing my words and am on the verge of tears as the reality of everything that’s going on finally sinks in. I ran unto a girl, knocked her unconscious, and now she might as well be dead because she’s not breathing.

Before I know what’s going on, Liam has his arms around me in a tight hug and I begin to sob uncontrollably into his shirt.

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