Chapter 25

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"You have ten minutes to say what you want to say. After ten minutes, I'll decide wether I believe you or not. Go." I stated, giving each boy a hard glare.

"First of all, I just want to let you know that Niall has been an absolute mess since you ran out yesterday. At first he just sat on the couch in complete shock, but once we got back from chasing you down, he was in hysterics. He was-"

"I don't care what he was doing. He honestly deserves it. Now tell me why you all lied to me this entire time." I struggled to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. I knew that if I let Liam keep going on about how bad off Niall was, I would surely break. I needed to be strong to get through this little meeting.

"We honestly didn't mean for it to go this far, Char." Harry stated, grabbing ahold of my hand from across the table. He was trying to comfort me and I was starting to calm down, but I had to remember I was mad at them.

"Why did it go anywhere? Why didn't you all just tell me the truth in the first place?" I replied, yanking my hand out of Harry's. you would have to be blind not to see the hurt expression that crossed his face. I just brushed it of and turned my gaze to Zayn as he began to speak.

"You were in a fragile state, Charlotte. You had just woken up and you couldn't remember important things. The only thing we knew about you was your name, and you were saying Niall was your boyfriend. We couldn't just say 'Uhm. I don't think soy we just met you and have no clue who you are so bye.' We're not those kinds if people. We wanted to help you and letting you believe you we're Niall's girlfriend was the best thing at the time."

"So basically, you were all just pitying me these last few months? Is that what you're trying to say? That Niall was just pretending to be my 'boyfriend' so I wouldn't get my feelings hurt?" I asked, suddenly angry that they had pretended to like me just for my sake.

"No not at all. It didn't take long for us to all feel like we had known you for years. And I know that Niall may not have really been your boyfriend, but he told all of us he knew you were something special from the moment he laid eyes on you. He genuinely cares for you and if you don't believe us,busy go look at the boy who is laying in his bed,refusing to eat or have any social contact, and bawling his eyes out. He really does love you, Charlotte. Why would he be acting like this if he didn't?" Louis took this as his moment to try and break through to me and I had to admit, it was starting to take its effect. I could feel myself softening towards the boys. Don't get me mad, I was still angry that they had lied to me, but not nearly as much as when I first arrived.

"Fine. I guess you had the right intentions. You were roped into Niall's lie and you just wanted to help a friend. But seriously, next time, don't hide anything from me, no matter how big it is, I want you to tell me and not lie to me."

"Yay!! We're forgiven! I don't know what I would have done without you! Niall is going to be soooo happy!!"

"Louis Tomlinson! Calm down! We're in public. And don't go get so excited about Niall being happy. What he did was wrong and he hurt me badly. You all may be forgiven but he sure as heck isn't. It's going to take a lot for me to trust him again." I finally let the tears I'd been holding in out. Jasmine wrapped me in a hug as I continued to cry.

"But why are you gonna forgive us and not him?" Harry asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"You don't understand Harry. I loved him and then I found out that he was just pretending to like me. That really die something to a girl. To hear that the person they loved didn't even know who they were. I feel like I don't even know him anymore. It's going to take a lot for me to fully forgive him. I don't know if I'll be able to get back together with him after this. I love him. With all my heart. And he just went and destroyed me with one little comment."

I was now barely capable of holding myself up as I sobbed the hardest I've ever sobbed. I help onto Jasmine like she was the only thing keeping me alive. It all just her so bad. I really love Niall, but I just don't know if I can ever trust him again after what he did.

(Niall's POV)

I'm such a screw up. I can't believe I lost the most perfect girl in the world over one small decision. I messed up big time and I don't know if I'll ever get Charlotte back.

I heard the door open and the boys all walk in, but I didn't bother to get up. My life was ruined and it was all my fault. I didn't want anyone's pity. But I never get what I want, so I? Harry and Liam walked into my room without bothering to knock, closely followed by Zayn and Louis. After a couple moments of awkward silence, Liam was finally the one to speak up.

"So we just got back from talking with Charlotte..."


This chapter is still on the short side, but hopefully it's better than yesterday's. Its been a long week and its really showing in my writing and how long I can actually stay awake to write. Love you all and can't believe this story has over 16k reads. Keep reading/commenting/voting/fanning! Also, don't forget: 5 comments/votes for the next chapter!

<3 Bailey

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