Chapter 6

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I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting out here in the hallway like this and I honestly don’t care. I stand up and prepare myself to walk into the room. As soon as I open the door and meet Charlotte’s gorgeous eyes, I’m slammed with all of those stupid feelings again. She’s smiling the most radiant smile at me as she puts on her jacket. Wait. Those aren’t the clothes that she came here in. and why is she putting on her jacket?

“What are you doing?” I really need to learn how to control what comes out of my mouth because that was just plain rude.

“Charlotte gets to go home.” I am totally oblivious to the doctor in the room until he starts to speak.

“That’s awesome!”

“Yeah, since she didn't have any other clothes, we went out and got her some more while you were off in your own little world out in the hallway. But we need to dicuss something ,NIall.” Liam, being the mood crusher that he is, just smashed my good mood with his Daddy Direction “this is serious business” voice. “We can’t get ahold of Charlotte’s parents or anybody else she knows because she doesn’t have her cellphone with her and she doesn’t remember any of the telephone numbers or where she even lives.”

“So…” obviously, I’m not the brightest in the group so I am totally confused as to why he is being all serious.

“So Charlotte is going to be staying with us until her memory starts to come back.” Harry finishes giving me a look that just proves how dim I really am.

“That’s great!” I can’t even hide my excitement. I’m actually going to be able to get to know the girl that I have fallen so hard for in the last hour.

“I know baby! Isn’t it all just so great?” Charlotte starts toward me and before I know it, her lips are pressed firmly against mine.


This is probably even shorter than the other one and I'm sorry. I'm such a bad peson for depriving you of chapters for so long :(

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