Chapter 16

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Hey guys, Hannah here! I'm finally updating, so I hope you like it! A little more drama in this chapter... :)


(Charlotte's POV)

I woke up and looked at the clock on the night stand next to Niall and I's bed. 9:00 p.m? Great.. I'll never get back to sleep tonight!

I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Niall. I figure if he stays asleep, he might be able to sleep throuhg the night without waking up.

When i got out of bed, I realized I was still in my damp bathing suit. Today was quite the day that's for sure. I could've died, but I didn't. Niall saved me. I love him so much, I have no idea what I'd do without him.

I grabbed some sweats and went into the bathroom. I turned the tap on and filled the bath tub with hot water. As much as I didn't want to be near water right now, I was freezing and needed to relax. I took off my bikini and threw it into the hamper to get cleaned. I got into the bath tub and sighed in relief as my muscles relaxed under the hot water.

After I got out of the bath, I changed into my sweats and walke out into the main living room where Zayn sat on the couch. Ever since the hospital, I haven't spent much tme with any of the boys besides Niall, so I thought I'd talk to Zayn for a bit.

I missed my best friend.

(Zayn's POV)

"Hey Zayn!" Charlotte greeted me as she sat next to me on the couch.

"Hey Char!" I smiled putting my arm around her in a friendly manner.

"What are you watching?" She asked me.

"The Simpsons!" I laughed as I answered her.

"Oh my gosh I love that show!" She beamed and laughed with me.

For the next half hour we watched The Simpsons and laughed! Char even pretended to be Homer.. she's pretty good at acting!

The follow up show aftert The Simpsons was Family Guy, another show Charlotte told me she found funny, but on the commercial break an Access Hollywood commercial came on the tv.

"Tune in to Access Hollywood later tonight and find out more about Niall Horan and his new mystery girl! The two were spotted at the beach earlier today being flirty in the water. Could someone have finally caught the What Makes You Beautiful singer's eye? We'll have more details tonight." the lady on the ad spoke.

The whole time I cringed! Charlotte cannot think that the media is just finding out about her and Niall right now! She thinks they've been public for a while now! Oh no this is bad. Hopefully she doesn't think much of it...

"Zayn what was that all about?"

Shit! Thought too soon.

"Oh nothing, the media are always trying to come up with wild stories these days." I answered her praying that she'd leave it at that.

"Oh..." was all she said before the theme song to Family Guy started to play. Thank God.

"Char you stay here, I'll be right back I just have to go and talk to Liam ok?" I asked her as she turned away from the tv to face me as I spoke to her.

"Alright!" she smiled cheerily. For a girl I didn't know too well I was starting to really like her.

I got up and walked down the hall to LIam's room. I knocked on the door and hope that he wasn't sleeping.

"Come in!" I heard him call fom the other side of the door.

I opened the door and walked in to find Liam talking to his computer.

"Hey everyone, Zayn's here now!" Liam spoke to the webcam as he adjusted it so that it faced me.

I smiled and waved to the camera. "Vas Happening?" I asked as much as I wasn't in the mood for anothe rone of Liam's twitcams right now. I understand why they call it a 'twitcam' because you really look like a twit talking to a computer like that. Well at least Liam does...

"Li I really need to talk to you right now..." I whispered in his ear so that the rest if the world wouldn't hear what I was saying.

"Alright" he replied in a hushed tone before returning his attention to the computer on his lap.

"Alright guys I really gotta go! Night!" Liam waved to the camera and I copied his actions.

He turned off the twitcam.

"What's up Zayn?" Liam asked seriously.

"Charlotte can't leave the condo. Her and Niall are all over the news..."


Alright personally I don't think was my greatest chapter, and I'm sorry that it's kinda short! Hopefully you all like it :D

And we have 7.5K? UM YEAH BUDDY <3 thanks to everyone who fans,comments,votes,and reads this story!

~Hannah xx

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