Chapter 24

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(Charlotte's POV)

One long night full of sobbing, ice cream, and sappy romance movies had passed and I still felt like I had been hit by a two ton trick of heartache. Everything reminded me of him. The actor in the movie we were watching had blonde hair just like Niall's. The ice cream I was eating was Niall's favorite. When I went to climb into bed, exhausted from all the crying I had done, I found one of Niall's jackets that I had stole from him wadded up under the sheets. I started sobbing again as I put it on. It sill smelled like him. I cried myself to sleep and my dreams were full of his face.

It was already 12 by the time I finally decided to pull my exhausted body out of bed and be social with Jasmine and Jordyn. They seemed surprised to see me.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?" Jasmine asked, wrapping her arms around me and just holding me. I held back the tears as it reminded me of all the times Niall had held me like that.

"Honestly? Awful." I stated, my voice cracking as I refused to cry.

"How about we go get something to eat and get your mind off of everything? Does that sound good?" I slowly nodded, my head still buried in her neck.

"Ok. You go take a shower and I'll get Jordyn and tell her what we're doing today." She gave me one last reassuring squeeze before I headed to my room to take a shower.

After 20 minutes of alternating between sobbing and shampooing my hair, I was finally out of the shower. I didn't bother putting any makeup on as I wasn't really in the mood to look presentable. I through on a pair of shorts and a loose tshirt and made my way to Jasmine's room, grabbing my phone a I went. I glanced down at it for the first time since everything happened yesterday and wasn't really surprised a what I saw. I had tons of missed calls and voicemails and even more text messages, all from the same five boys, but the majority being from the blonde Irishman that was causing me all this pain in the first place. I quickly locked my phone, tears springing to my eyes at just the sight of his name. I didn't bother to read any of the messages as I threw my phone into my bed, deciding I wasn't going to bring it with me today. I continued on through my room into Jasmine's. When I walked in, her and Jordyn seemed to be having a deep conversation. I didn't want to interrupt so I just stood there waiting to be noticed.

"You ready?" She asked as she spotted me standing in the doorway. I just nodded as they stood up and we made our way out of the house. They both got into the front seat of the car as I slowly climbed into the back. They started chafing away and listening to the radio as I just sat in the back, my head against the warm window as I began to daydream. In mind, I could see all of the things that me and Niall had done together in the last couple of months. I guess anything since before then was just made up in my mind. Sighing, I pulled out of my thoughts and noticed we were at the cafe we were going to eat at. I stepped out of the car and didn't realize I had been crying until Jasmine steeped forward and wiped the salty tears off of my face.

"You will get through this, ok. We will be here with you every step of the qay. Dot you worry." She said as she pulled me in for another hug. I nodded as I pulled away, looking her in the eyes.

"Thank you." I said as sincerely as I could. Her and Jordyn just linked their arms through mine as we made our way into the little cafe. The only other people in the cafe was a group of guys siting in the corner, trying to act inconspicuous.

"Oh no no no! I'm leaving now. Goodbye!" I yelled as it suddenly dawned on me who those four boys were and why Jasmine and Jordyn truly wanted to get me out of the house.

"Come on, Char. Niall's not with them. They just wanted to see how you were doing and explain to you what really happened."

"I'm absolutely awful! And I already no what happened! They all lied to me!"

"Please just give us a chance, Charlotte. What could it hurt?" I turned and was met by Harry's green eyes. He always had a calming effect on me when Niall wasn't around. It was especially hard not to give in since he was pulling off one of his infamous pour faces.

"Fine." I replied, sighing as I made my way over to the booth and slid in. This should be interesting, I thought as the 4 boys and two girls surrounded me. Here goes nothing.


Ik this is really short and crappy but I really wanted to give you all a chapter since we got over 5 votes and comments within a day of the last chapter being posted. If you keep going to way you are, you all could get a chapter a week. I promise this isn't the entire chapter. I just wanted to give you a little something for being fantastic. I promise I will write a much better and much longer chapter tomorrow to make up for this crappy one. I am currently struggling to keep my eyes open as I type this because I am beyond exhausted. You all are amazing and we love you!

<3 Bailey

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