Chapter 36

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***2 Years Later***

Charlotte's POV

When the hell was Niall supposed to be back from the stupid studio. It seemed like that was all he had been doing lately. I get it, he's in one of the most famous bands  ever, but still. I feel like I haven't seem him for more than 3 hours at a time for the last year! I hadn't seen him at all in the last 2 weeks. He always came home so late and left so early that I was still asleep. The boys had a lot going on, with Zayn right as they were to start their new album, the tour and finishing the new album and everything. I just miss my boyfriend. I know I seem like a whiny little baby but I don't care.

He was supposed to be home 2 hours ago with dinner. I was so hungry that I tried to do anything to keep my ind off of it. I cleaned the entire apartment...Twice. I had just finished round two and plopped myself down onto the couch when my phone began to ring. Niall's picture that he had put as his contact back when we first started dating popped up onto my phone. I instantly knew that this wasn't good news. Lately, every time he called me when he was running late, it was to tell me that he was going to be even later.

"What?" I realized I could have answered in a much nicer way, but I was just hungry and tired.

"Hey. I'm sorry but..."

"You're going to be late again tonight?" I already knew what he was going to say so there was no bother him feeling bad about saying it.

"Yeah...Listen Char, I'm really sorry. We're so close to finishing the album and we're trying to get as much done as possible right now." I could tell that he was getting upset. I felt bad cause I knew part of it was because I was snappy with him when I answered then phone.

"I understand. Sorry for snapping at you. I'm just so hungry and I really miss you."

"I know, babe. I miss you too. But I called your favorite takeout place and there should be food arriving any minute now. I knew you must be getting hungry since I told you I'd be home with dinner a while ago. I really am sorry and I'll try to be home as soon possible!"

It was so sweet how he was trying so hard to make me in a better mood.

"Thank you. And don't hurry just for me. I know you guys are busy, I'm just being a whiny little baby. I'll let you get back to the boys."

"I love you Char." I could still hear the excitement in his voice when he said those words, even after all these years of dating.

"I love you too, Niall." I couldn't help the smile that spread across my mouth as I hung up the phone. Now that I knew I was being fed, my stomach seemed to start eating itself. I decided to just scroll through my phone while waiting for the food. What seemed like second later, there was a knock on the door. YAY! My food!

I hopped off the couch and pranced my way over to the door. I checked out the peep hole and got an eye full of brown paper bags. At this point I was used to how much food Niall ordered. I opened the door and what greater me my heart beat quicken.

There in front of me was the most beautiful human being I had ever laid eyes upon. He had pale white skin, brownish blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes.

"Surprised?" That stupid smirk.

He had moved fast enough to put the food on the floor cause he knew what was coming. I jumped into his arms and wrapped all of my limbs around him as tight as I could. Niall Stumbled back a little at the  sudden weight. I couldn't help the tears that were spilling out of my eyes. As I tried to hide them from him, we just buried his head in my neck and stroked my back.

"You know I can feel your tears soaking though my shirt." Niall chuckled as he tightened his grip on me.

"I'm sorry," I said wiping my eyes as I looked up at him. "I have just missed you so freaking much"

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