Chapter 14

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Hey guys. Sorry for the slow update! I this one will probably be on the shorter side because I'm not in the writing mood but I felt bad because I'm away busy this weekend and so is Bailey so we proabbly won't be able to update!

I'll stop boring you now and get on with the chapter! ;)


(Charlotte's POV)

I decided to let Niall choose which bathing suit he liked on me best. I didn't really care about anybody else's opinion but his anyways.

I had grabbed a hot pink bandeau bikini and a lime green bikini to try on. The bright colours always made my skin look really tanned.

First I out on the pink one and it looked all right. I was a very small person. I had a tiny waist and not the biggest chest. Some people say that they love my body, but honestly I don't. What's so special about it anyways?

I opened the dressing room door, and closed my eyes walking out of the change room to where Niall sat on a bench on the other side of the door, waiting for me to try them on.

As soon as I knew I had walked all the way out, I finally opened my eyes to reveal to myself the look on Niall's face. It was quite funny actually.

He seemed almost schocked to see me in a bikini. What's the big deal? We've been dating for a year now, so he's defintely seen me in my swinsuit before...

"So... do you like it?" I said cautiously. Kind of tripping of my words, afraid to hear his answer. It could be good or bad for all I know.

"You look stunning, Char." Niall gasped, standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss.

I pulled away long before I'm sure Niall had wanted me too, but I was just teasing him.

"Now wait a minute Nialler, you still have to see the other one." I grinned cheekily at the lad.

"All right.." he sighed sitting back down. I laughed slightly before returning to the change room and shutting the door. I slipped out of the pink bikini and put the green one on. Much to my surprise, I actually really liked this one.

I walked back out of the change room once again to show Niall the swimsuit.This time I wasn't afraid of what he thought. He makes me feel beautiful no matter what.

"Absolutely gorgeous!" he beamed as I chuckled. He got back up to kiss me again but being the tease that I am, I ran back into the change room and shut the door.

"So which one do you think I should get?" I asked NIall, pretending like nothing just happened.

"Get them both!" was his answer. I giggled and happily changed back into my clothes and Niall and I walked up to the check-out counter.

"That'll be $53.95 Miss." said the ladt behind the counter.

"Ok!" said Niall happily before I could even protest, and whipped out his credit card, handing it to the girl.

'Niall!" I whined. "I can pay for my ow things you know." I laughed as he just shrugged his shoulders.

"What? You're my girlfriend. I should get to buy you things when I want too!" he smiled.

"It's a good thing you're attractive!" I teased, kissing his cheek.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" he whined.

"Oh nothing.." I laughed.


Once we got to the beach, we set our cooler and towels dow on the apot that we wanted and as soon as I changed into my bathing suit, Niall threw me over his shoulder and started running for the water.

"Niall James Horan!" I screamed, slamming my fists into his back, begging him to let me down.

He just laughed as I screamed, throwing me into the water.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as I re-surfaced, because Niall came and attacked me into a big bear hug.

It's times like this that I enjoy the most. When we can just be ourselves together without a care in the world.

We splashed a flirted in the water, not even noticing how deep we had went. Niall was currently giving me a piggyback ride as we swam further out, until a huge wave came crashing down infront of us, causing me to let go of Niall.

The waves kept on coming, getting bigger and bigger each time. The salt water go in my mouth as it burned my throat and eyes each time I came back up. I looked all around me and couldn't see Niall anywhere. All I could see were the waves that surrounded me, that swooped in and brought me under once again. I was getting tired of trying to keep myself up, and I was scared shitless.

"NIALL!" I screamed as loud as I could, before another wave came down on top of me, filling my lungs with water.

I coughed and coughed as I tried to scream for him again.



"NIALL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Niall..." I croaked as I continued to struggle. Growing weaker and weaker.

Was this it? Was this how I was going to die? By drowning?

No! I thought. I would keep fighting. I couldn't just let everything go. But every 2 seconds, another wave pulled me under, bringing me farther and farther out into the big blue sea.

I started to feel light headed, as more water filled my lungs and I couldn't struggle anymore. I resurfaced one last time before I just fell back under, but this time, not to come back up. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't do anything anymore. Almost like I was paralyzed even though I wasn't. My body just couldn't fight back anymore. As I could feel my eyes slowly closing, I started to dream.

Images of Niall and the boys filled my head. I was dreaming that we were all laughing at something really funny. It felt like it was almost real. Like I could actually feel what was going on. The last thing I felt before I went unconcious was something tugging on my arm.


Well wasn't that interesting? (;


Anyways before you freak out, no this isn't the end of the story. We are nowhere near the end.

But what do you think's gonna happen?....

10 votes before the next update!! Hope you enjoyed it.. I don't know how well written this chapter was, just bear with me!

~Hannah <3

p.s. follow me on twitter, @thekingofsass

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