Chapter 10

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Hey guys! @hannahhoran174 here! Just wrote this chapter, hope you enjoy it!

(Niall's POV)

*2 hours later*

I opened my eyes and suddenly shivered. Charlotte wasn't wrapped under my arms anymore, and she wasn't still in bed either. I sat up and looked around and she wasn't in the room. She must've woken up after I fell asleep. I lazily got out of bed and walked across the room to my door and walked down the hallway of the condo and into the living room where I saw Charlotte sitting on the couch ad talking to some boy I didn't recognize.

(Charlotte's POV)

I woke up in Niall's arms. I loved being his girlfriend, it just felt so good to be loved by someone that you care so much about.

When I walked out into the living room I was greeted by a smiling Harry.

"Hey Char!" he smiled. He's so nice. All of the boys are, and I'm lucky to have them as friends.

"Hey Haz!" I smiled back.

I went and took a seat next to Louis at the bar, and Zayn handed me a bowl of cereal.

"Thanks." I thanked him.

"No problem!" he answered back

"So Charlotte, the lads and I are going out today, but we have a friend that's going to come over and hangout with you so that you aren't bored! I don't think it's a good idea to leave the condo today." Liam informed me. It probably was a god idea that I stay in today. My head does still kind of hurt.

"Okay, thanks Li!"

"No problem babe!" he answered.

"Where are you guys going today anyways?" I asked him curiously.

"Oh we're going out for a guys day, nothing you'd be interested in." he answered kindly.

"We're going to a strip club." Louis yelled.

"What?" Zayn asked a little loudly.

"Umm... Don't you guys all have girlfriends apart from Harry?" I questioned him....

"Yes we do, I was just kidding love." he cheekily smiled.

Oh thank god.

"Good." I answered, and began to eat my cereal.. mm my favourite, Froot Loops!

"Well it doesn't seem like Niall's going to be waking up anytime soon, so we might as well go ahead without him." Harry stated.

"Tyler should be here any minu-" Zayn started befoer he was cut off by the sound of a loud knocking on the door.

"That's him!" Louis smiled.

Zayn went and answered the door, and soon enough, returned with another boy, who I now know as Tyler.

"Ty, this is Charlotte, Niall's girlfriend." Zayn introduced us.

"Hey Charlotte, I'm Tyler!" Tyler smiled at me while extending his hand out to shake mine.

"Hi!" I replied while shaking his hand.


The boys left about 2 hours ago, and Tyler and I spent almost the whole time talking. He was a very talkative boy, and asks a lot of questions, but he's really nice.

Then I saw the cutest boy ever walk into the room... Can you guess who it was? ;)

"Hey Nialler!" I walked over to him and gave him a light kiss on the lips. "Have you met Tyler before?" I asked him as I lead him over to the couch I was previously sitting on, and sat back down with him beside me.

"No I haven't, bey bro! I'm Niall." he greeted nicely to Tyler.

"Hey, nice to meet you!" Tyler answered.

"You too." Niall replied.

This is the thing that I love about Niall. He's so nice to everybody!

Just then, the boys returned, back from their 'boys' day' I guess.

"VAS HAPPENING?" Zayn screamed while running into the living room where me, Niall, and Tyler were sitting.

Boy, someone's been feeding him too much sugar.

"I WANT CARROTS!!!" Louis screamed running in after Zayn, across the living room and over to the open kitchen where he opened the fridge and started rummaging through it for carrots, I guess.

I bet I know who was eating sugar along with Zayn...

"Did you guys have fun?" I asked everyone.

"Yep! What'd you and Tyler do?" Harry answered for them.

"We mostly just talked the whole time, eh Tyler?" I replied.

"Yup!" Tyler agreed.

"Well, if you guys don't mind, can I go take a shower?"

"Of course love, go right ahead!" Liam smiled at me.

"Thanks!" I said while getting up from next to Niall and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

(Louis' POV)

After we heard Charlotte close the bathroom door, we all basically swarmed around Tyler. Me with a bag of carrots in my hand of course...

"So, did you ask her everything?" Zayn asked, first person to say anything.

"Sure did... boy she has a lot that goes on in her head!" he replied with a tone of surprise in his voice.

"Well what does she think happened?" Liam asked curiously.

"Well, she thinks that last year around this time, she bumped into Niall in Nickelodeon studios after her audition, and was knocked unconcsious. Then after she got out of the hospital, you guys and her have been best friends ever since, and she also thinks that she's been dating Niall for the past year, and that they're madly in love with each other. She thinks that she was in the hospital yesterday because she got a bad migraine." Tyler told all of us what Charlotte thinks.

"Is she crazy?!" I asked a little too loud, as usual.

"Sounds like it to me!" Zayn agreed.

"Guys give her a break. The poor girl was knocked unconscious, and this is what she thinks happened." Niall said sounding aggravated.

"That is true." Liam agreed with him.

Well I know it's true, but how could she think that this really happened? Well at least we know what she thinks has happened...

"She also told me that she was always a fan of One Direction before she met you." Tyler added.

"Well at least we know she likes us!" Harry winked.

(Niall's POV)

Okay, so apparently me and Charlotte have been madly in love for the past year. What am I going to do?....


Chapter 10! @Niallerslove will be writing chapter 11! Basically we'll be alternating between chapters! Please vote, comment, fan, and add to your library! <3

We love all of you who read this!

-Hannah' xx

p.s. haha! Niall gif on the side <3

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