Chapter 1

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“Okay! Just have a seat, study your lines and someone should be out to call you back for your audition soon! Break a leg!”

It is finally here. The day that I pursue my dream of becoming an actress. I am trying out for a role in a new television program that was being produced by Nickelodeon. I look around the room, sizing up my competition. I am trying not to show how nervous I actually was, but my hands are shaking like crazy and I can barely control them. As we sit down, the other girls start frantically reading over their lines, but I just sit there and try to stop myself from shaking. I know these lines like the back of my hand. I had studied them every day since I got them. I am going to ace this audition!

“Charlotte. Your turn to audition.”

Oh my gosh I’m going to fail this audition.

********************************************************************************************************************* I totally aced that! I was extremely nervous when I first walked into the room the auditions were being held in, but as soon as I started reading the lines, all of my anxiety completely vanished and the lines just flowed out of me.

I am soooo happy! As I walk through the building, I don’t even notice the group of people in front of me until it’s far too late and I’m falling. I feel my head smash to the ground, and before I can even register what’s going on around me, I’m in complete darkness.

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