Chapter 35

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Charlotte's POV

I woke up from my deep, peaceful sleep when I felt Niall climb out of the bed, knocking all of the covers off of me. I sat up and relaized I was still completely naked. I quicklly grabbed the blanketts from the end of the bed to cover my exposed body. I glanced around the room in search of my little leprechaun. I couldnt help but bust out in  laughter when I saw him. He, like myself, was completely naked with his back to me. He was shaking his ghost white butt around as he danced to the music he had playing in the bathroom. He instantly stopped when he realized I was awake. When he turned toward me, his face flushed a deep shade of red. 

"You weren't suppose to see that." he stated sheepishly as he made his way back over to the bed. 

"But I did, so what are you gonna do about it."

"I'm gonna wipe that smirk right off your face, that's what I'm going to do." Before I could say anything else, his lips were placed onto mine. 

"It's not like I have never caught you dance around completely naked." He mumbled against my lips.

"I was drunk and you were encouraging it so shove it!" I tried to grab the blanket that was covering my  bare body and roll away from him, but Niall had a tight grip on me. 

"Were do you think you're going little missy?" Niall asked with that stupid little smirk of his dancing ever so slightly across his lips. It took everything in me not to smack him, but he was just so cute.

"To take a shower cause I smell like a wet dog>" I once again tried to remove myself from Niall's death grip, but he wasn't having it.

"And what if I happen to like the smell of wet dog?" Again, that smirk.

"Well I do not and frankly I could care less about your opinion." Niall pretended to be upset at my comment and started "pouting". I took that as my opportunity to break away from his death grip and sprint my way to the bathroom. I was in the middle of shampooing my hair when I heard the curtain slide back.

"And what did you think you were going to accomplish if you left the door unlocked?" I swear one day he's going to have a permanent smirk on his face if he keeps doing it so much! I guess in my momentary triumph of getting to the bathroom, I was too excited to remember to lock the door...

"I don't know what you're doing, but I'm taking a shower" I pulled the curtain back and continued to shampoo my hair, knowing that before long, the curtain would open again, and I would be joined by a blonde little Irish boy. Not that I minded all that much.....

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We literally accomplished nothing all day. After a very unproductive shower (well unproductive in some ways...) Niall and I decided just to spend the day cuddled up in bed. It took a while to decide what movie we should watch before Niall finally caved and let me indulge my inner nerd with a Harry Potter marathon. We had made it through the first 3 movies before I felt myself slowly starting to drift off. I tried to fight it, but Niall's hand stroking my hair didn't help. Before I knew it, I was waking up by myself with the credits of the fifth movie rolling quietly on the screen. Where the hell had Niall gone? I was in the middle of searching through the covers to find my phone when i heard the door start to open. Niall entered, trying to be as quiet as possible, arms full with what looked like takeout. When he heard me giggle at him struggling, he quickly turned around and glared at me.

"A little help here?!" The poor kid was very clearly struggling not to drop any of the food, but i was enjoying it.

"Nah. I think I'lll just stay warm over here in bed and just watch."

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