Chapter 18

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(Niall's POV)

So it's been about 2 weeks since that whole paparazzi scandal at the beach now, and I've kept Charlotte from the public since. It's better that way, she can't find out the truth, it'd crush her, and she has no one for her right now. She's starting to remeber some things like what her favourite colour is ad what not, but nothing major like her parents or her old adress.

I feel terrible lying, or 'keeping secrets' as I like to call it, but what else am I supposed to do? It's not like our whole relationship is a lie.

I truly like her, and she likes me. It just didn't start out the way she thinks it did.

But our happiness is coming to an end for a while, since the boys and I have to go back to London, our vacation in California is over! Too bad I didn't get to see much of it, but I know there'll be many more oppertunities to come back, hopefully.

I don't know how to tell Charlotte though, where will she stay? She's kinda been living off of us for the past little while. She has nothing, so this should be interesting to see her reactiom. I just hope she isn't too disappointed, I'd hate to see her sad.

Right now she's down at the pool with Liam, so when she comes back I think us boys are all going to tell her together.

Right one queue, Charlotte, Liam, and some girl I don't recognize walked through the front door.

"Nialler!" She ran up to me and jumped on me, wrapping her tiny arms and legs around me hugging me tightly, and then she leaned in and kissed me passionately, I didn't even have to think about it before I kissed her back.

"Aw you guys are so cute together!" the girl that's still nameless, gushed.

Charlotte got off of me and started blushing God it was adorable. I kissed her nose and turned towards the girl. "Thanks!" I smiled. "And who would you be?" I asked her.

"I'm Jasmine, one of Charlotte's old friends!" she smiled happily.

"Oh really?" I asked giving Charlotte a cheeky grin. "Well it's very nice to meet you Jasmine, I'm Niall." I informed her.

"Ya, I know." she laughed.

"She's kinda a fan" Liam grinned.

"Kinda? Liam she fainted when she saw you down at the pool!" Charlotte laughed her amazing laugh.

"Guys! I was having a moment ok?" Jasmine defended herself.

"Whatever you say Jaz." Liam teased her by ruffling her hair like a little kid.

"Leeyumm!" she groaned, fixing her hair.

"BOYS COME MEET A FRIEND OF CHAR'S!" I screamed through the whole place. Seconds later, Harry, Zayn, and Louis came barreling down the stairs.

"THERE'S ANOTHER GIRL HERE?" Harry yelled excitedly.

"Yes Harry, no shut up and introduce yourself." Liam comanded, while Jasmine blushed.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles." Harry said flirtaciously and kissed her cheek.

"Oh know..." Liam goraned.

"I-I'm Jasmine." She stuttered.

God bless this girl for not fainting.

"I'm Louis!" Lou shook her hand, but strangely, she bowed in front of him.

"I'm so confused.." Zayn mumbled.

"What? Louis' the leader!" Jasmine said.

"Hell ya I am!!" Louis fist pumped.

"Well I know you're Jasmine, hi! I'm Zayn." He cooly intoduced himself.

"Hi!" she smiled.

"So Charlotte, we kinda have some news for you..." Liam started.

"Alright, shoot!" She smiled happily. Hopefully she stays that way too.

"Well see, the lads and I have to go back to London." I told her, looking into her eyes.

Tears started to form but she refused to let them fall. Instead she hugged me close to her for a good minute, and did the same for each of the boys.

"I'm gonna miss you all so much!" she declared.

"We're gonna miss you too love." Louis answered as she was still hugging him.

"When will I get to see you again?" She asked nervously.

"We don't know, hopefully sooner rather than later." Harry answered her.

"Ok... but where am I gonna find a place to stay?" she asked, looking mostly at Liam for an answer.

"You can stay at my apartment with me!" Jasmine piped in.

"Really? Are you sure that wouldn't be too much?" she asked uncertain.

"Of course not! Omg we're gonna be roomates! Gosh it'll be so much fun!" She cheered excitedly.

'Yay!!" Charlotte and Jasmine started screaming of happiness together!

"Well now that that's settled, why don't we have our last supper together before we have to leave?" Zayn said.

"That sounds like a great idea my little Bradford Bad Boi!" Louis laughed.

"I don't even call myself that anymore!" Zayn whined, and everyone laughed.

"Well what are we gonna have?" Jasmine asked still hyper probably.

"Why don't we go to a restaurant?" I suggested.

"Really Ni?" Charlotte asked me.

"Yeah why not?" I gave her an assuring look.

I met my eyes with Liam and a look of worry came over him but soon disappeared, and he gave me a reassuring look as if to say I have his approval.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Harry yelled.


I'm sorry that kinda had a lot of dialogue! :p lol!

Anyways, omg thank you guys so much, I never imagined that our story would come so far! Bailey and I are always blown away by the amount that our reads goes up whenever we update, so a massive thank you to everyone, we love you ! :*

Please vote,comment, and fan us! :)

Hope you liked this chapter :D

-Hannah <3

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