Chapter 31

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I slowly pulled my lips away from Niall's. The emotions running through my body were indescribable as his burning blue gaze held mine. I felt his large hand grip mine firmly. We continued to stare into each others eyes and hold hands for another couple of minutes.  

"Char-" before Niall could speak another word, I grabbed ahold of his face and kissed him again, already missing missing the feel of his lips against mine. The kiss was short and sweet.  

"You were saying?" I asked as I pulled away for the second tome.  

"Uhmm.....ya...well..." He stumble over his words as he scratched the back of his head like he usually does when he's nervous. He cleared his throat before he continued. 

"I was just going to say that I think we should just forget that I even did that and continue on being 'just friends'" he stated, an unexplainable emotion flashing through his eyes.  

"Oh." My heart felt like it broke even more as my hopes were brought up, only to be stomped back down again. I could feel my eyes well up with years as I looked down at my lap and began to reach for the handle of the door. My face was engulfed in to large, warm hands before I could get the door open. 

"But I I can't say that anymore. I want to be with you like we were before. I know I screwed up royally. Trust me, I hate myself everyday for what I did to you, but I can't live without you. You have to believe me when I say that I truly do love you. I may have just pretending at first, but it didn't take long for my true feelings to burst through. The moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you and now that I have you back, I don't want to let you go, Charlotte. Will you please take me back?" Without even bothering to answer, I pressed my lips to his firmly again for a brief second before pulling away and smiling. 

"So is that a yes? Will you be my girlfriend?"  

"Yes Nialler. I'm all yours." This time, he took me by surprise when he slammed his lips onto mine. This kiss was like any other we'd share before, full of all of the emotions that had been building up in us for the last four months. It quickly became more heated as Niall's hands slid up my shirt and started to creep up my back. He grabbed onto my shoulders tightly,slightly digging his nails into my skin. I brought my hands up to the back of his head and wrapped my hands tightly through his hair. A moan escaped from low in his throat, causing me to smirk against his lips. Before things could get anymore heated though, a car horn blared behind us, causing us both to jolt forward and slam our heads together. I turned around slowly, grabbing my throbbing head as I did so. My glare slowly locked with the smirking face of none other than a smirking Louis Tomlinson in a car full of the other 3 member of one direction and my two best friends.


After a good long time at the beach, we were all tired and didn't want to deal with any more fans and they'Re constant 'where's nialler?' 'Omg you're so hot!' And 'will you marry me?!' There's only a certain amount of annoying teenage girls a man can take and I was we'll over that amount. 

We were joking around as we pulled into the parking lot of Jasmine and Charlotte's apartment. I was just about to pull into the spot next to Jasmine's car when I felt Jasmine herself smack me hard on the arm from her seat next to me. I have her a 'WTF' look before she motioned for me to look out the window to her car. I couldn't help but smirk as I took in the sight before me. All I could see was a mess of blonde hair with his lips attached to a lovely young ladies.  

"Lou, why are we stopped?" Liam asked as he climbed from the very back of the car/van to see what was going on. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard him mumble 'finally' under his breath and climbed back to tell the others what was going on. We watched them as they pulled away and Niall said something to Charlotte that made her look like she was going to cry.  

"Wow way to win her over Nialler." I heard Jordyn say from behind me as we saw Charlotte reach for the door. I was about to pull into the parking spot, but Niall suddenly grabbed onto Char's face and I had to continuing watching the show. 

"Come on, Lou! I wanna go get a shower. I have sand in places there shouldn't be sand and I'm tired!" 

"Oh shush it, Haz. You can wait a couple more minutes." I scolded Harry as he complained in his annoying whiny voice that made me want to punch him sometimes. As I glanced back towards the car containing the focus of y entertainment, Niall was pressing his lips firmly against Charlotte's. things started to get more and more heated the longer they kissed.  

"My eyes!" I turned to see Harry covering his eyes and burying his face into Jordyn's neck as Niall slid his hands up the back of Charlotte's shirt.  

"Louis, why do you look like you're up to no good?" I heard Jasmine ask beside me but instead of answering, I slammed my hand down on the horn. I couldn't control the laughter escaping past my lips as Niall and Charlotte'a heads collided and she turned to glare at me. I just continued to smirk at her. She flipped me off before getting out of the car, Niall following close behind. I took that as my cue to pull into the parking spot next to theirs.  

"Niall! Charlotte just made a rude hand gesture to me!" I yelled after Niall as I jumped out of the car. 

"Be glad that's all she did." He mumbled as he rubbed his head and grabbed ahold of Charlotte's hand and lead her up the stairs.  

"Don't forget to use protection!" I yelled back to them as they got closer to the door. 

"Go screw yourself!" Charlotte called back, but she couldn't hide the blush that commanded her cheeks. They finally disappeared into the house as the rest of us I loaded everything from the car.


"Where were we before Louis so rudely interrupted us?" I asked smirking as I pushed Charlotte backwards onto the couch in the living room. She grabbed ahold of my shirt pulling me down I top of her. 

"I think right about here.." As soon as we lips touched mine, the door burst open and Harry came running into the living room, ready to flop down on the couch and watch TV.  

"GUYS! NIALL AND CHARLOTTE ARE HAVING SEX ON THE COUCH!" He screamed a little to loudly. 

"WE WERE NOT NOW GO SCREW OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE YOU CURLY HAIRED NUISANCE!" Charlotte screamed back pushing me up off of her and sitting up. Before anybody else could say anything, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room. I couldn't help the smirk that grew on my face as she pushed me over onto the bed.  

"Don't get any ideas. I'm tired and I haven't slept well in four months. Now turn around so I can change." I was about to protest but she gave me a warning look, so I stood up and turned around, removing my shirt and my jeans, leaving me in just my boxers.  

"You can turn around and come cuddle with me." She giggled as she climbed into the bed. I threw back the covers and attacked her. I kissed her all over her face jokingly as she laughed. My lips finally met hers in a sweet kiss before she pushed me away.  

"No more kisses. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep. Now let me cuddle with you." She demanded as she laws we head on my chest and my arms snaked around her tiny waist." 

"Love you too." I said as I kissed her forehead. Her eyes drifted close and I felt sleep pulling me under too. The last thing I saw before I was engulfed with sleep was My girlfriends gorgeous face.


I know it has literally been almost an entire month since Amnesia was last updated and we're sooooo worry. We were both super busy and couldn't find any time to write! This is really just kind of a filler chapter but there's more drama and excitement to come soon thank you to everyone who votes/ fans/comments. We're less than 100 away from 25 thousand and I can't believe it!! Keep up the work! Thank you all! We love tou!! 

Love, Bailey

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