Chapter 4

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*Still Niall POV*

“Niall, where am I?”

We all just freeze and are staring at Charlotte. How does she know my name? Me and the boys all exchange questioning glances.

“Um, Charlotte, you’re in the hospital because you fell and hit your head. Uh, do you feel weird at all, like any headaches, or anything that you can’t quite remember?” Liam was the first to speak up.

“Oh. Well not really. Not that I know of.”

“Ok. The lads and I are just going to head out into the hall to have a little chat.” Liam starts walking towards the door until he realizes that the rest of us are just standing there, staring at Charlotte.

“Come on lads.” We all jump when Liam claps loudly to get out attention and we start following him out into the hallway.

“How does she know Niall’s name?” Harry asks the question that has been running through my mind ever since I heard Charlotte say it just minutes ago.

“Well you do realize we are in one of the world’s most popular boy bands? She could be a fan of ours.” Well duh! Why didn’t I make that connection?

“Well if she was a fan then why didn’t she freak out that we were in the same room as her and why did she just ask Niall where she was?”

“Well Harry, you do realize that not all of our fans are crazy lunatics that scream like maniacs whenever they see us. Some of them actually have some dignity and act like civilized people and not a bunch of mental patients.”

“Liam has a point but it still doesn’t explain why she only acknowledged Niall when she came to and why she talked to him so casually, like she’d known him for so long.” I don’t really hear what Zayn or the rest of the lads are saying as I just keep playing how casually said my name over and a=over in my head. It was like we were best friends or something but I swear I have never met her in my life. I’m sure I would remember a face as beautiful as hers.

“Hey Niall, are you going to answer my question or what?” I snap out of my trance when Louis nudges me and asks me a question.

“Uh, yeah, sorry. What was your question again?”

“Well,” Louis starts sounding annoyed, but I can tell he’s faking it “I asked if you had ever met her before to where she would remember you.”

“No. I’m absolutely positive that I have never met her before. I’m sure I would remember because-“I stop myself before I can finish what I was about to say and save myself form a lot of embarrassment.

“Because what, Nialler?” Oh great now Harry and Louis are going to keep pestering me until I tell them what I was going to say.

“Nothing. I was just going to say that I’m sure I would remember her if I did meet her because she’sthemostbeautifulgirlIhaveverseeninmylife.” I rush the end of my sentence and duck my head, hiding the blush that I feel creeping its way onto my cheeks.

“What was that?”

“Did Niall just say that Charlotte was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life?”

“Oh, Louis, that can’t be true.”

“Oh but Harry, I think it is.” Harry and Louis are going back and forth making fun of me while my face just gets even redder and Liam and Zayn just roll their eyes.

“Okay lads. Leave the poor guy alone.” Liam to the rescue!

“Thanks, Li.”

“No problem, Nialler. Now why don’t we head back in there and try and figure out what’s going on.” Liam grabs ahold of my shoulder firmly, and starts his way back into Charlotte’s room.

“Let’s do this poo!” Wow. Way to brighten up the mood Harry.


Sorry this chapter was crap. I promised that i would uploadafter I got 100 fans and I didn't want to break that promise. This is kinda just a random crap chapter because i had writers block and i couldn't figure out what i wanted to write. I'll try to make the next chapter better.



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