Chapter 17

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(Charlotte’s POV)

That was, well….interesting. What did they mean by ‘Mystery Girl’? The press obviously knows who I am since Niall and I have been going out for at least 2 years…. Oh well I must look a little different to them from far away. I brushed off the news broadcast as Family Guy, one of my favorite shows ever, started, instantly putting me into a better mood.

(Niall’s POV)

I was in that little peaceful dreamland people call sleep when I was suddenly bolted awake when I felt something crushing me into the mattress, preventing me from getting a substantial amount of air into my lungs. I looked up and was greeted by Louis’ very large bum sitting on me.

“Louis, I swear for the love of everything if you don’t get your big bum off of me right this instance there will be drastic measures taken and someone will end up in pain.” I obviously wasn’t the nicest person when I first woke up, especially if I was being sat on.

“Wow, some little leprechaun I know needs to go eat himself some Lucky Charms.”

I let out a low growl as Louis didn’t get the message and continued to use me as a couch cushion. Did he really not realize that I couldn’t breathe? Without thinking anymore, I quickly flipped myself and after a couple of seconds, Louis was the one who was pinned down to the mattress with me sitting on top of him. I grabbed ahold of his wrists and looked him dead in his deep blue eyes.

“Never wake me up by sitting on me again or your consequences will be much worse.” I let go of his wrists and jumped up off of him, realizing that the rest of the lads were in my room too.

“Why are you all in my room?” This wasn’t normal. They usually only sent one or two in at a time to wake me up, they rarely all ever come into my room at the same time. Unless we have to ‘talk”…Oh God.

“This morning I was down stairs watching TV with Charlotte and an Access Hollywood broadcast came up talking about how you had been spotted with a ‘mystery girl” earlier and if someone had finally cought your eye.” Zayn was the first to speak up and his words didn’t please me at all.

“Are you serious!? That was supposed to be a private beach! Private as in no paparazzi! What did she say?” I was so scared that she had found out before I had a chance to explain things to her myself.

“She was just really confused, but I’m pretty sure I have her convinced that the paps just didn’t recognize her or something.”

“But you need to be a lot more careful of the places you take her if you don’t want her to find out what’s going on.” Why does Liam always have to be right?

“Yeah I know. Where is she now?” All I really wanted to do was just cuddle up with her and go back to sleep.

“Check the living room. That’s where she was when I came to talk to Liam.” Zayn stated while already walking towards the bathroom, running a disapproving hand through his unkempt hair. As I walked out into the living room, I didn’t see her sitting on the couch... I checked the kitchen and noticed that the door leading out to the balcony was open and the curtains were blowing in the breeze. I slowly walked out onto the balcony and saw Charlotte leaning over the railing just staring out into the darkening sky. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped slightly, surprised, but then began to relax as I placed a loving kiss onto her cheek. I could feel a smile slowly start to form on her lips as I let my lips linger on her cheek. She turned around, her lips instantly meeting mine. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, not to heated or rushed. She pulled away, and wrapped her arms around my waist smiling. She leant back slightly and looked up into my eyes.

“Did Zayn say anything about the Access Hollywood broadcast earlier?” She asked nonchalantly as she played with the hem at the back of my shirt. Her skin brushed against mine slightly as she did so, sending shivers of pleasure up my spine.

“Uh….Yeah. He said that it was probably just a mistake since the picture was so far away and blurry, they just couldn’t tell it was you. Hell, for all I know, that could be another guy that just looks like me from far away with a totally different girl! Don’t worry your beautiful mind about it. It’s nothing.” He cheeks flared red as I held onto her chin and gazed into her mesmerizing eyes.

“Ok. I believe you.” She went up on her tiptoes and placed a quick, yet loving, kiss onto my lips before grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the room with her and snuggling up to me on the couch. Good, I thought. At least someone believes me because I don’t even believe myself.


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