Chapter 9

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I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I ran into some fan of ours and she was knocked unconscious and that she was living with us and she thought I was her boyfriend. I really need to stop eating before I go to sleep. Psh, what am I saying? That’s never going to happen!

I roll over on my side, but I’m stopped mid roll when my body connects with something. Figuring that one of the other lads fell asleep in my room last night, I brush it off and try to fall back asleep, but I’m already too awake. I slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. Everything that happened yesterday comes rushing back to me as I just sit there and stare at the most absolutely stunning girl I have ever laid eyes on. I now remember that Charlotte had run into me yesterday at the studio, she had lost basically all of her memory, she was living with us until we could contact someone she knew, and she thought that we have been going out for the last year even though I just met her yesterday. Yup, I have the least complicated life ever -.-.

As I force my eyes away from her sleeping figure, I realize that the lads and I are having a meeting to figure out a plan to get some information out of Charlotte. I ease myself out of the bed, careful not to wake Charlotte. I throw on the closest pair of sweatpants I find lying on my floor, and make my way to the living room.  As I walk into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat, I notice that the others guys are already awake and discussing our plan for today. I grab an apple and plop down next to Liam on the couch.

“So, basically all we have left to do is contact someone we trust, but has no connection to u media wise, and get them to “interview” Charlotte.”  Harry stated, giving me a look as to state the fact that they had been up working on a plan to help me, all while I was off in my own little dream land.

“Right. Sorry I wasn’t up earlier guys.” I felt bad that I hadn’t been up early enough to help them discuss the plan.

“Don’t worry about it.” Liam said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a sort of awkward, but comfortable, side hug. “You’re under a little but more stress than we are with this whole Charlotte situation.”

“Thanks, Li.” I wrap both of my arms around him in a tight embrace. “So, does anybody know of anyone we could get to talk to Charlotte?”

“Well, one of my really good friends from when I was younger moved here a couple of years ago. I’ve been chatting with them while we we’ve been here. We’ve been making plans to meet up and none of the press or anybody knows about him so he might work out.”

“Zayn, you are officially a saint!” He just smirks, as if to say that he already knew that, but he enjoyed me saying it again. Cheeky little thing he is.

“I know. So I’m just going to head into the other room and call him up and see what his plans are and when he can meet up with us.” And with a smirk, he was gone.

“Sometimes I worry his head is going to explode with that ego of his.”

“Oh, Liam, just let Zayn be Zayn and he’ll be fine. Ok. Now that we’ve figured who is going to be asking the questions, we just need to figure out what questions to ask.” I let out a groan as Harry said this, realizing that we were in for a lot of thinking today.

“Ok. I think that’s enough questions for now. If we think of any more, we’ll just add them to the list.” Liam stated two hours, and what seems like 500 pages of questions later.

“Guys, it’s almost 2 and Charlotte still isn’t awake.” I state and I can tell that the guys sense the worry in my voice.

“Don’t worry Nialler. She probably is just really tired. She did spend most of the day in the hospital yesterday.” Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

“Right. I’m just going to go to my room and check on her.” I turn on my heel and head off toward my room. When I reach the door, I gently turn the knob and walk in as quietly as possible.  I walk over to the bed and gently sit down on the edge. The motion of it makes Charlotte start to stir lightly. Her eyes flutter slightly and when she sees me sitting on the edge of the bed, she smiles sleepily and snuggles up closer to me. Sighing, I gently lie down next to her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her closer into me. She sighs in contentment and snuggles up even closer to me. I smile to myself and just stare down at her. I slowly lower my head until my lips are grazing her forehead, and I place a sweet, gentle kiss onto it. She smiles in her sleep and I can already fell myself falling hard for this girl that I’ve only known for two days.

Well hello!

I just wanted to say that I am absolutely blown away by how many reads this story has. I never expected it to get more than 2 or 3 hundred reads but it currently has 2,586. Yay! I also never expected to get anywhere near 100 fans and now I have 190. I love everyone that has kept with this story and my infrequent uploads.  Also, to help me with uploads, I now have a cowriter,

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