Chapter 33

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I thought I was used to the life that you live once associated with One Direction. Thought I was used to the screaming fans and flashing cameras.

Boy was I wrong.

The flashed of the camera were so bright that it seemed as though it was mid afternoon rather than barely past 4 in the morning. It took nearly 10 minutes to shove our way from the car to the doors of the airport. Niall had his arms around me whispering sweet words in my ear the entire time to keep me calm. Once through the doors, it took us a couple of minutes to collect ourselves before we realized that we barely had 15 miuntes to go through security and get onto the plane. We made it onto the plane without a minute to spare. We were all settled into our seats and i was fast asleep before we were even in the air.

The next thing I know, I'm being shaken awake. I wake up to the sleepy,  yet adorable face of my boyfriend. 

"Cmon, Char. We're literally the only ones left on the plane." Niall whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheek and helped me up out of my suprisingly comfortable seat.

"Carry me?" I pleaded as I let out a massive yawn. 

"How can you still be tired?" he asked me as he bent down for me to hop up on his back. "You slept the entire 11 hour flight. Good god what have you been eating? You weigh a ton!" he joked. I proceeded to smack him across the back of the  the head and cuddled my head into the side of his neck.

"Just more of me to love." I replied back and he just chuckled. We were met by the rest of our group as we made our way into the aiport from the plane. 

"Wow what took so long? Were you guystoo busy  eating eachothers faces off again?" Harry joked as soon as he saw us approaching them.

"No. Charlotte wouldnt get her lazy ass up and i had to carry her. You can't move very fast when you have a lardo like her clinging to your back."

"Watch it, Horan." I warned him as I jumpede off his back. The rest of the group just chuckled at us.

"So let's head to the hotel, yeah?" Liam asked as the group finally assembled in a group. "The tour buses won't be here until the end of the week and we won't have to move onto them until after our shows here in London next week, so we'll be staying in the hotel until then." Liam, being the Daddy Direction he was, continued to go over the entire schedule for the next couple weeks even though it was clear noone was listening. Lou and Eleanor were having a staring contest, Zayn was asleep on the bench behind us and Perri e was sitting with his head in her lap just playing with his hair and staring off into space, Harry and Jordyn were having a draw something tournament on their phones, and jasmine was sitting just sitting in the middle of the floor reading. Niall seemed to be the only one paying attention to Liam as i leaned up against his chest and tried not to fall back asleep. 

"You lost me after hotel." I mumbled against Niall's chest as I grabbed his hand and started to walk towards the exit, hoping the rest would follow. Guess what? They didnt. But I kept walking anyways, dragging Niall behind me. 

"Why are you in such a hurry, babe?" He asked me as he pulled me to a stop and wrapped me in one oh his "Horan Hugs". Damn these things are distracting. The way he burries his face in your neck and rubs his hands up and down our back is just blissful.

"I just want to be able to sit down again and go to the hotel. I don't feel to well at the moment. I just want to go to the hotel, take a shower, and spend the rest of the night cuddling and watching the disney movies I brought with me." I whined as he continued to rub his hands up and down my back soothingly. I know I sounded like an annoying brat, but at this point, I really didnt care. I had a pounding headache so bad that i felt like I was going to puke and it just got worse the longer I stood on my feet.

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