Chapter 30

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Who knew one word could bring so much pain. I know it’s for the best, but I really could care less what’s for the best at this point. I thought the four months that Charlotte wouldn’t talk to me were awful, but I honestly think it’s worse now. Sure, we’re ‘friends’ but I don’t want to be friends. Every time I’m in the same room as her, I just want to grab her and snog the life out of her but no, friends don’t do that. She also hasn’t been the same around me since she forgave me. She isn’t as open about things as she used to be. I’ll ask her something and she’ll give me a short, vague response and then walk away to go hang out with Jordyn and Jasmine. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t get the old Charlotte back. I need to show her that she can trust me.

As I was having my own little mental battle in my head as everyone else were just watching TV, I had apparently spaced out.

“Niall, mate. Did you hear me?” Harry called out, finally gaining my attention.

“Hm. Uh what was that again?”

“Well we just decided that we were all going to head out to the beach and were wondering if you would like to join or just continue staring off into space all day.” Harry joked as I sent a glare his way.

“Uhm, I’m not feeling up to the beach today. Is it ok if I just stay back and hang in your guys’


I directed toward Charlotte, who was sitting in the chair next to me.

“Sure. I was thinking about staying in to. I’ve gotten a little too much sun in the last couple of days. Are you ok with hanging out with me all day, Niall?” She asked as she jokingly nudged my foot with the one she had hanging over the edge of her chair. I had to control myself as I realized it would finally be just me and her and it wasn’t being forced. She was choosing herself to stay back and hang out with me all day. I finally got my chance to talk to her and tell her what I was thinking.

“Is that ok, Niall?” She asked again because I still hadn’t replied to her the first time. I cleared my throat before I answered, trying to calm myself down.

“Yeah. That’s cool. I mean it is your apartment so you shouldn’t have to be asking me.”

“Ok. Now that we got that settled, we’ll be heading out now. Don’t wait up on us. Who knows when we’ll be back. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Be safe! Bye!” Louis called as he shoved everyone out the door. He started laughing as I flipped him the bird right before he slammed the door, finally leaving me and Charlotte in peace. Or should I say extremely awkward silence.

“Uhm. So do you wanna do anything? Like go get something to eat?” Charlotte asked, finally trying to break the awkwardness of the situation. I thought about it for a minute before finally coming up with an excellent idea.

“How about we go and get stuff to make food at the store and then come back here and see who can make the best tasting food?” As soon as I asked, Charlotte’s eyes instantly lit up and she grabbed my hand pulling me out the door. I’m not going to lie, the feeling that shot up my arm when she held onto my hand almost made me fall to the ground.

“You’re on, Horan.” She stated as she winked at me and climbed into the passenger seat of Jasmine’s car (She didn’t have her own car and Jasmine lets us borrow it whenever we want.) So I guess I’m driving then.

“Oh you just wait.” I replied as I climbed into the driver’s seat after her and started up the car. She instantly reached for the radio and turned the volume up, just as the notes of a familiar song started blaring through the speakers.”

“OH I JUST WANNA TAKE YOU ANYWHERE THAT YOU’D LIKE! WE COULLD GO OUT ANY DAY, ANY NIGHT! BABY I’LL TAKE YOU THERE! TAKE YOU THERE! BABZY I’LL TAKE YOU THERE, YEAH!” Charlotte screamed out the beginning of Kiss You as I tried to control the tears that were threatening to spill over from my excessive laughter. Let’s just say that Zayn doesn’t have to worry about losing his solo to Charlotte.

“What’s so funny there Nialler?” she  asked me with a curious glance as she continued her ridiculous dance that went along with the song.

“Oh nothing.” I quickly tried to sober up my laughing, but failed miserably as Charlotte proceeded to poke me in the spots where she knew I was ticklish. Thank god the grocery store wasn’t far away. I pulled in to an empty parking spot as she continued to poke. As soon as the car was stopped. I jumped out and ran away from her as fast as I possibly could.

“Oh Nialler! Come back here I’m not done with you! You don’t get away that easily for making fun of my singing!” I heard her call out from behind me as I quickly ran into the store. I quickly looked around for a place to hide. I jumoed behind a display for some new cereal just as she came running into the store. Her head quickly shot around as she looked for me. As she started walking towards me, I got ready to pursue the plan that I was already formulating in my head. Just as she walked past the display in search for me, I shot my hands out, one going around her waist and the other over her mouth to keep her from screaming.

“Don’t think you’ll get away so easily there love.” The look on her face was priceless as I whispered into her ear. Her body went completely stiff until she realized it was me. She then began to try and wriggle out of my grasp. I wasn’t going to give up so easily so I started tickling her sides. We had gathered the attention of most of the store by now, and many people had pulled out there phones after realizing who I was, and were taking pictures and videos of the scene unfolding before them. Charlotte’s squealing quickly brought my attention back to her and I noticed the tears that were rolling down her flushed cheeks. I quickly picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, causing her to yelp out of surprise. I grabbed the nearest cart and carefully dropped her in and began pushing her down the aisles as if it were the most normal thing ever.

“Niall what are you doing? I’m way too big for this cart!” she giggled as came to a stop in front of the freezer full of ice cream.

“Oh shush you. Just enjoy the ride, I replied as I threw three different flavors of ice cream into the cart, purposefully trying to hit her. She continued to giggle as I made my way to the next aisle.

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As Charlotte and I climbed back into the car still laughing our asses off, I couldn’t help but think that I was really glad that we had both stayed behind while the others went out. We had bonded and I’m pretty sure I’ve gained back a lot of her trust. We were driving down the road and Charlotte was, once again screaming the lyrics to songs at the top of her lungs as I died laughing.

“I’M GONNA POP SOME TAGS. ONLY GOT 20 DOLLARS IN MY POCKET. I-I-I’M HUNTIN. LOOKING FOR A COME-UP. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!” Charlotte screamed the last line of the song that she had been singing the entire time we were at the grocery, which, by the way, was a good 4 hours. Don’t ask how we spent 4 hours at a grocery store cause I honestly don’t know. As we finally pulled into Jasmines usual parking spot, I glanced over at Charlotte and saw the girl that I had fallen in love with. Before I could think about what I was doing, I grabbed a hold of her cheeks gently and pulled her face towards mine. I hesitated for a moment, finally realizing what I was doing, but before I could pull away, Charlotte pulled my lips to hers.

WHY HELLO THERE! Lol I’m super hyper right now and decided that I shouldn’t leave my lovely readers waiting any longer for the next chapter. I told myself multiple times that I would right it last week but I honestly didn’t feel like it. I wanted to upload tonight cause I’m super excited. Why you ask? CAUSE TOMORROW (March 4) IS MY 16TH BIRTHDAY! I’M SOOOOO EXCITED! Ok I’m done being weird now….maybe. Thank you all so much for the almost 300 fans and 21.5k reads! We love you all and this story wouldn’t be anywhere without you all! Keep up the good work my lovelies!

Love you all!                      

                                Love Bailey

P.S. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. I’m too lazy to go back and fix them

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