Chapter 19

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(Charlotte's POV)

I can't believe the boys are leaving already. It seems like I was just starting to spend time with them and now they're leaving. I refused to cry! I will be strong. It will see them again before I know it. Thankfully I have Jasmine. We used to be best friends back when we were 11 but her parent got a divorce and she had to move with her dad. I hadn't seen her since. I can't believe we're going to be living together!!!

Jasmine and I walked to my room together and started getting ready for dinner.

"So, any of the boys that you fancy?" I asked her, starting up a conversation between the two of us.

"Well... I kinda really like Harry." She blushed.

"Oh my gosh! You two would would be so cute together!" I screamed. forgetting about the boys just across the hall in their bedrooms. I heard five pairs of shoes stomping down the hall as fast as they could and without even knocking, five bodies all slammed through my door at once.

"Are you okay!"

"What was that screaming?!"

"Is someone dead" they didn't even give me a chance to answer. They just kept yelling questions at me.

"BOYS!! We're fine! Jasmine just said something and I got excited. Now go back to your rooms and get ready or we're not going anywhere tonight." They all started to walk out of my room, not wanting to risk having to stay home all night. Right before my door shut, it came flying back open and I was tackled onto my bed by Niall. He slammed his lips against mine and before I knew it, he was on his feet again walking out of my room.

"You're really hot when you yell." He winked at me and then proceeded to slam the door.

(Niall's POV)

The boys and I were all in the living room, waiting for Charlotte and Jasmine to finish getting ready. Zayn and Louis had inited Perrie and Eleanor too dinner too and they were going to meet us at the restaurant.

"Why do girls take so long to get ready?" Zayn started to whine and I just slapped in on the back of the head.

"Shut up! This is coming from the guy who spent almost 45 minutes on his hair alone" he started to protest but just looked down at the ground and blushed. At that moment. I heard a door shut and saw a shadow start to round the corner. As soon as Jasmine came into view, I swear I could hear Harry's jaw hit the floor.

"You better watch it Harry. If you don't close your mouth, you might start to catch flies." Zayn laughed, earning himself a swift kick in the shin. Harry and Jasmine both started blushing profusely.

"Uh...Uhm...Y-you look stunning Jasmine." Harry stuttered out.

"Thanks." She replied timidly, blushing even more and averting her have to the ground.

"Hey Jaz, where's Charlotte?" Not being mean or anything, but if Jasmine looked this good, I couldn't even imagine what Charlotte would look like.

"She's ju-"

"I'm coming." The next thing I knew, the most beautiful girl I had wet seen in my life rounded the corner into the living room. I couldn't take my eyes of of her and when her eyes met mine, I have her the biggest grin and winked at her, causing her already rosy cheeks to go even more red.

"Come on guys! We dot want to have Perrie and Eleanor waiting around for us!" Louis announced, practically bouncing off the walls at the thought of getting to see his girlfriend.

"You look absolutely stunning, love." I whispered into charlottes ear as I grabbed her hand and lead her out the door with everyone else. Louis, Charlotte and I hopped into my car while Zayn, Jasmine and Harry got into Harry's. I opened the door for Charlotte and once she was in, I headed for my door. As I was opening my door, I noticed Harry had exiled Zayn to the back seat so Jasmine could sit up front next to him. Cheeky bastard. I climbed into my seat and planted a kiss onto Charlottes lips.

"Please save my eyes and wait until I'm not around to do that!" Louis groaned, immaturely covering his eyes.

"Oh shut it, Lou!" I chuckled a I pulled out onto the road.


(Still Niall's POV)

Dinner was a blast. Everyone had so much fun just joking around. Inn pretty sure if we weren't famous, we would have been kicked out.

After we got back, everyone was just chilling around the house. Perrie and Eleanor had come back with us and were staying for a little while. Zayn and Perrie were doing a twitcam with Liam in Zayn's bedroom, Louis and Eleanor were making cupcakes, or by the sounds of it, making cupcake batter and having a fight with it. Harry was sitting on the couch talking to Jasmine and flirting up a storm. I was laying on the other couch waiting for Charlotte to come back down after she finished changing. I started to drift off into sleep when I felt a weight flop down on my body. Instantly knowing what it was, I wrapped my arms around Charlottes waist and rolled over so I was laying on top of her, being careful not to crush her.

"I thought you were asleep." She giggled, pecking me on the cheek.

" I was but them something extremely beautiful decided to flop on top of me and I sort of got distracted." I smirked, planting my lips firmly on hers. When I pulled away, I flipped back over so she was laying on me, her head resting on my chest. Her eyes started to drift shut. I scooped her up and began carrying her back into our room. As I layer her on the bed, he grabbed ahold of my neck and started kissing me passionately. I was startled at first, but I quickly responded back. I slowly shifted my weight on top of her and kissed her back. She pulled away, catching her breath.

"I love you, Nialler." She mumbled, snuggling into my chest and falling asleep.

"I love you too, Charlotte." I fell asleep with a smile on my face, holding the girl I love with all my heart in my arms.


Sorry I haven't uploaded recently! I have a week off from school next week and my teachers thought it would be cool to assign projects and papers to be due this week. I can't believe how many reads this has gotten! Over 11k!! You all are amazing! Keep reading/fanning/voting!

Love you!!


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