Chapter 21

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(Charlotte's POV)

This last month ha been one of the longest months of my life. I've missed Niall an the rest of the boys so much! But thankfully Jasmine is here to keep me cheered up. The first week the boys were gone, I just laid in bed and did nothing but mope. I was too miserable to do anything. Jasmine was getting sick of it so she finally forced me out into the real world and I've been better since. Sure I still miss them like crazy, Niall especially, but its bearable now. Jasmine really is a good friend.

Jasmine and I were just finishing up a round of Just Dance on her Wii ( I had once again whooped her with What Makes You Beautiful) and were cooling down on the couch when my phone started to ring. Too exhausted to bother checking the caller ID, I answered it halfheartedly.


"We'll I don't think that's anyway to answer the phone to your boyfriend who you haven't seen in a month!" The voice on the other end of the phone instantly brought me out of my post Just Dance exhaustion and had me bouncing off the walls.

"Niall!!! Oh my god! I missed you so much! It feels like its been forever since I've talked to you!"

"We'll it's only been two days but I miss you too, Char." He chuckled into the phone.

"So why'd you call?"

"What? A guy just can't call his girlfriend and tell her how much he misses and loves her?" He faked hurt.

"You can do that anytime you want but I specifically remember you telling me you were ping to bust these next couple of days and most likely wouldn't have time to call me." I stated accusingly.

"Well...uh...Fine! You got me! I wanted to call you and tell you that I've had a surprise delivered to your apartment. It should be there now."

"Really, Nialler. You didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh just shut it and go open the door!" He chuckled at my hesitancy to accept his gift.

"Fine." When I opened the door, I was greeted with a massive box wrapped in bright blue paper. I started to open it but before I could, I felt two arms snake around my waist. Knowing it clearly wasn't Jasmine, a huge grin broke out onto my face as I turned around and was met by the breathtaking blue eyes of the boy who stole my heart. I hung up my phone and didn't even hesitate before slamming my lips against his. He seemed a little surprised at first, but he started to kiss me back. As he deepened the kiss, he slowly backed me up against the wall so my back was flat against it and my chest was pressed firmly to his. We could've gone on like this for a while if we wouldn't have been so rudely interrupted by Jasmine.

"It got way to quite out here. And just to point out, there are cameras everywhere. The security people are probably having a lot of fun watching your little show."

"You're just jealous cuz you don't have anybody to do that with." Niall playlist snapped back at her. Her cheeks blushed bright red. Obviously she was hiding something from me. She started to speed walk back into the apartment.

"Jasmi-" I was cut off by Niall's lips once again pressed against mine.

"Just leave it." He whispered, his lips brushing against mine, causing shivers to coarse throughout my body.

"O-ok" I managed to stutter out. He chuckled as he grabbed both of my hands in his and tested his forehead against mine, my back still pressed firmly against the wall.

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