Chapter 34

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Niall"s POV

As the last notes of What Makes You Beautiful Rang through the arena, the screaming of the fans grew louder. I felt tears start to prick my eyes as I realized how far we had come. This was the last show of our second world tour, we were approaching our 3 year anniversary of being put together as One Direction. I couldn't believe  we'd made it so far.I snapped out of my thoughts when Zayn dove past me into the hole in the stage, dissapearing from sight. The other lads each took turns saying their closing words before jumping the few short feet into the foam mattress awaiting them under the stage. I took a moment to just look out at all the screaming fans. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a quick picture of the last group of fans we'd play of our Take Me Home Tour. 

"You all are the most amazing fans ever! Can't wait to play for you all again next year for the Where We Are Tour! We love you all!" I did a little irish jig, much to the fans amuesment, before front flipping into the hole. As soon as I got to my feet, I was enveloped into the a hug with my 4 best friends.

'Well can you believe it, lads? We just finished out second world tour!" Harry shouted. He broke from the hug and did a weird little dance. We all just laughed at him before we joined in. We were so into our celebratory dance that we dind't see the girls walk in.

"This is definetly going on YouTube." We all stopped dancing and turned out attention to the three girls standing in the door way, unsuccessfully trying to hold their giggling in. I noticed Char had her iPhone pointed toward us and I new she had been recording us. 

"There are going to be gifs of this ALL over Tumblr tomorrow!" Jordyn stated in triumph, high fiving Charlotte and Jasmine. 

"Oi! Give me that phone rigth now little girl or you'll pay!" I warned Charlotte before I started to make my way toward her. 

"You have to catch me first!" And with that, she ran out the door. I quickly followed her and when I made it into the hallway, I saw a brief flash of Char's hair rounding the corner. I was going to have to book it if i had any hope of catching her. I followed her laughter through the maze of hallways for  a little while longer until she turned anothern corner and I heard a door open. I slowed to a stop a slightly peeked my head aorund the corner. Char had opened one of the supply closets and I guess she was planning on hiding in it. She glanced around before quickly sliding into the closet, silently closing the door. A large smile spread across my face as I formulated a plan in my mind. I started running again and ran past the closet to the end of the hallway where I stopped and tiptoed my way back to the closet as quietly as possible. Just like I had planned, Charlotte poked her head out the door as soon as she thought the coast was clear, but before she could do anthing , I grabbed her by the waist and shoved both of us back into the closest, closing the door with m yfoot. 

"Thought you could get away so easily, did ya?" I whispered in her ear, smirking as I felt a shiver run  through her body.

"I guess I underestimated the intelligence of leprechauns." She replied back, inching her lips closer to mine. I leaned in, but right before our lips touched, i yanked her phone from her hand and quickly deleted the video she took of us dancing.

"Ha! No more black mail for you!"

"Too bad I already sent it to the other girls who have, without a doubt, already uploaded it on YouTube." She stuck her tounge out at me before trying to make her way to the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" I blocked her path to the door, earning myself a terrifying look that could probably kill.

"Away from you until you shower. You're all sweaty and gross."

"You didn't have a problem with me being all sweaty the other night." I growled in her ear. Her face turned a deep shade of red before I grabbed her face and pressed her lips to mine hungrily. I couldn't keep my hands off of her, and before I knew it, both of our shirts were somewhere on the floor and Char was desperately trying to get my pants undone.

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