Chapter 23

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Finally uploading! (:


(Charlotte's POV)

I had left mine and Jasmine's apartment and decided that I'd go see all the boys since I never really saw much of the boys.. only Niall.

The boys always have one or two bodyguards that wait down in the lobby just incase some fans somehow find out what hotel the boys are staying in and try to sneak in. I walked up Charlie, one of the bodygaurds who was sitting in a chair readin a magazine.

"Hard at work ey Charlie?" I teased him. He seemed startled by my presence and instantly closed the magazine that he was reading.

"Oh it's just you Charlotte! Thank god, you gave me a heart attack!" He gasped with his hand over his heart.

Laughing, I apologized to the man. "Didn't mean to startle ya! I juat need to know what room the boys are in!" I gave him a small smile.

"Oh sure! They're in room 319 on the fifth floor!" He happily informed me.

"Thanks Charlie!"

"No problem Char" He nodded.

I starred at the patern on the ugly hotel carpeting as I walked towards the elevator doors. I pushed the up button and watched as it turned a bright orange colour. After a minute, the doors opened and thank god no one else was getting on the elevator with me. I absolutely hate awkward elevator silence. It's probably my biggest pet hate.

I pressed the button for floor five and got butterflies in my stomach as I could feel the elevator start to move. Once I reached the right floor, I got off and walked down the hall, until I was right outside of the boys' hotel room. I was just about to knock before I heard Niall say "Guys I think I'm in a little trouble."

What's he talking about? I know it's rude to listen in on people's conversations but I wanted to know what he was going on about.

"What's the matter, Nialler?" I heard Liam answer him.

"I think I love Charlotte." Niall answered. I'm confused though, why would he 'think' he loves me? We say "I love you" to eachother almost every day! Seriously Niall, we've been dating for two years and you're just starting to think that you maybe love me now?

"I don't see why that's a problem..." I heard Harry say. Thank you Harld, someone who has a brain here.

"It's a problem because I've been lying to her since the moment I met her! She thinks we've been going our for two years when we never technically were. I knew she was special the moment I laid eyes on her but she thinks that there's more than what's really going on. Everyday I'm with her, I have to remind myself that she thinks we've been dating for 2 years and not to say something stupid that will give away that we've been lying to her!" I heard Niall answer him. I have no idea what's going on rigt now, but it feels like someone's just punched me a thousand times in the stomach, and ripped out my heart. I started to get dizzy and I felt like I could pass out at any moment, but I manaed to stay standing up. The tears were running down my cheeks over and over again as my vision blurred from crying and my makeup got in my eyes. I kept listening, only to torture myself some more.

"You just need to tell her the truth."

"But it's not that easy, Liam! Don't you get it? We've been lying to her for the past 2 months and if I tell her the truth now, she wll be hurt and beyond pissed. I can't lose her. If she leaves me, I do't know how I will survive." I almost couldn't hear the ending to that because his voice started to get quieter as he tried to finish that sentance but I still heard it. I was completely devastated. I backed up agaimst the opposite wall from the boys' door and slid down into a crouch and cried my eyes out. How could Niall do that to me? How could the boys do to that to me? I truly thought they were different, I thought they really cared about me and I though that Niall really loved me. I guess they're no different than the rest of them. I should've known.. They aren't truly the XFactor boys thatI fell in love with. Once you get to know them, all they'll do is break you into tiny little pieces. I really thought that they were my friends.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the door to the boys' hotel room open.

"Oh my god Charlotte!" I recognized Niall's voice and felt his presence knelt next to me on the hall floor. I finally came to my senses and stood up.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I scream-cried at Niall.

"Charlotte what's the matter love?" Harry tried to comfort me.

"Shut up Harry and don't even try to pull the "love" card." I spat, mocking his British accent.

I finally caught my breath before facing towards all of them. "How could you? I thought you were my friends. And Niall, if you thought that telling me the truth would make me upset and leave you.. well you're one hundred percent right." And without one more look over my shoulder, i ran down the hallway and took the stairs instead of the elevator so I could get out of the hotel quicker.

I could hear someone in the distance running behind me but I was ahead enough to outrun them to the place I know they'd go first, my aoartment.

I finally got back to my apartment, and I porbably didn't look too good considering the look of Jordyn and Jasmin's faces. I was panting from being our of breath, tears still rapidly falling from my eyes, my makeup smuged all over the place, and to top it off... I had a broken heart.

"Char, what's the matter?" Jasmine was the first to come and give me a huge hus which I accepted with open arms.

"L-lock the door and don't let anyone i-in p-lease." I managed to say while hyperventalting.

Jordyn immediatly rushed over and did as I asked.

"Shh.. just calm down Char, everything's going to be alright." Jasmine assured me, wiping my tears and rubbing soothing cirlcles on my back to try and calm me down.

I took deep breath's and my breathing finally slowed down again.

"Tell us what happened?" Jordyn asked, joining me and Jaz on the couch.

"Well you know how I have amnesia right? Well I was convinced that I had been friends with the boys and had been dating Niall for the past two years. They nevee told me the truth, tney just went along with it for some bizarre reason. I even still believed all of it up until about 15 minutes ago when I overheard them talking about it outside of their hotel room." I said, embarrassed that I had been this stupid.

"Aw Char, I'm so sorry!" Jasmine leaned in to give me a comforting hug.

"I just never want to see any of them again!" I whisper-yelled into Jasmine's back.

There were three huge bangs on the door followed by lots of "CHARLOTTE"'s being screamed at through the door.

"We won't let them in if you don't want us to." Jordyn said giving me an understanding look.

"Please don't." I answered her, and she nodded.


and thats chapter 23!!! were you expecting that? haha sorry it took so long to update!


Hannah x

And don't forget.. 5 comments and votes for the next chapter!

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