Chapter 32

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(Charlotte's POV)

For the past week, Jordyn, Jasmine and I have been getting in as much time with the boys as we possibly could since it's become that time of the year that the boys love, but for their loved ones... not so much. For the next months, they'll be off conquering the world singing and performing.

The boys absolutely love touring. They aren't lying to anybody when they say that they literally can't wait to go back on tour and have a blast!

Us girls have tickets for one of their shows in California, but that still is a while from now, which sucks balls. I don't want them to leave, and of course, I especially don't want my Niall to leave me. But I understand it's his dream... and his job! I just wish I could a part of it somehow. Being away from those stupid idiots won't be that easy, but the girls and I will just have to take it as it comes, nothing we can do about it, really.

It's Friday night and we were all in our apartment, sprawled out in the den just being lazy and eating. Aren't we an entertaining bunch?

hah... jokes.

Their flight to England is tomorrow morning so we all have to go to sleep "early" so that we can all be up to see the boys off and they make their flight in time.

Louis walked into the room with his stupid grin on his face that you couldn't help but feel annoyed but chuckle at the same time because that's just the effect that Louis Tomlinson has on people.

"Is everyone present in the sitting room?" Louis tried to faked a posh accent.. didn't really work.

"Yes, what do you want?" I answered.

"Do you lovely ladies all have big suitcases?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow.

"Is that supposed to be some kind of dirty joke?" Jordyn asked him, chuckling.

"NO! Why can't you guys ever take me seriously?" He whined.

"Louis, mate. You can't even take yourself seriously.." Niall butted in.

"True, but I swear on my life, this is a serious question." He replied to Niall. sharing a look as if to say "shut up idiot".

"Well, spit it out then!" Jasmine cried.

"Well if you're all going to be rude about it then maybe I just won't tell you." Louis answered, sticking his nose up in the air.

"Louis stop being a brat or I'll tell them." Zayn scoffed at him.

"Fine... Jasmine, Jordyn, Charlotte.." Louis started.

'"WHAT?!" All 3 of us chorused.

Louis put three fingers up and starting putting one down at a time.



All of the boys screamed at the top of their lungs, practically deafening us all.

"We...what?" Jaz gasped.

Louis went up and pressed his forehead to hers.


We all jumped up witht this sudden burst of excitement and started screaming like the girls we truly are.

"SERIOUSLY?" I screamed at Niall, grabbing his hands and making jump up and down with me.

"Why would we lie, love?" He gave me an adorable wink.

"Because you little shits like to mess with us a lot." I stated, poking Niall playfully in the stomach.

"Girl's got a point!" Liam said laughing at my remark.

"I wish you would've told us sooner though... we have to go pack!" Jasmine exclaimed.

We bolted for our rooms and basically just ripped out our wardrobes and jammed them into our suitcases.. or at least that's what I did. Jordyn and Jasmine are a lot more organized than I am but I like to pretend as if they aren't so that I don't seem so bad.. But let's face it, no one really believes me anyways, they know my ways.

"Char, love. Need any help packing?" Niall said as he wrapped his arms around my waiste and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You can fold my clothes for me?" I said with a hopeful grin.

"What's that Harry? Oh I'll be right there!" He faked, bolting for the door.

Well there goes my help.


For the next 2 hours, all I did was sort my things and pack for the tour. It wasn't one of those times where you could only pack a few things.. I had to pack everything for all sorts of weather.. I mean, we will be travelling the world.

I was finally done and flopped onto the bed with a sigh. A voice interrupted my peace as I heard footsteps enter the room.

The weight of the bed shifted as someone flopped down next to me, copying my actions. Then I heard Liam's deep voice break the silence.

"Done packing dear?" He asked.

"I'm hoping.. either way I'm not packing another thing!" I laughed at myself.

"I'm sure you've got enough clothes to last you a century in there, judging by the size of your suitcase." Liam teased me.

"Yeah, I do like my clothes." I responded.

"As I've come to learn." Liam answered. "So I think everyone's heading to bed now, Niall should be in soon." Li continued.

"Alright, thanks Liam." I said with the left side of my face turned so I could face him.

"No problem, deary." He smiled back as he got up and walked out of the room without another word.

I got into a pair on pyjamas that I left unpacked to wear to sleep tonight. I slipped into the bathroom to quickly change and wash my face and brush my teeth before going back into the room that Niall and I shared, pulling the covers back off of the bed and climbing in. Before Niall could even get to bed, I was already fast asleep, excited for the morning.


(Niall's POV)

I rubbed my eyes and sat upright in bed as I was just waking up. I looked over to Charlotte ad watched her as she peacefully slept. To me, Char looked most beautiful when she was asleep. Her face is clear of any makeup and she always has a faint smile on her face. She was a happy sleeper, and I always found that fascianting about her.

I hated to wake her, but it was time to get ready and leave.

"Char, love. Time to go to the airport."


HELLLLOOOO! *Marcus Butler voice* haha! I haven't written for about a month and my only reasons being is that I went on a 2 week vacation to Florida and then I've just been extremley busy/ extremley lazy. So hopefully, this chapter doesn't suck balls. It wasn't that excited but the good stuff is yet to happen!


haha, thanks for being patient and not killing me! ;)


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