Chapter 8

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(Niall's POV)Boyfriend.


Why would Charlotte think I'm her boyfriend? This is all so weird, first the kissing, then the hand holding, and now she's telling people that I'm her boyfriend? I mean, I planned on eventually asking her to be mine, but of course after I've gotten to know her properly and take her out on a date first.

I looked over at Charlotte, and then at the nurse and just awkwardly smile. What else was I supposed to do? Just say, "I'm not your boyfriend." I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings.

Charlotte kindly took the papers that she had to sign from the woman working the front desk and walked over to a chair in the waiting room so that she could sit down to fill out the forms.

I turned around to follow her but Louis pulled me over to the side away from everyone else.

"Niall, what the heck is this about you being her boyfriend?! Louis asked a little too over dramatically. People don't call him the Sass Masta of Doncasta for nothing!

"I honestly don't know Lou, but what was I supposed to do?" I sighed running a hand through my tousled blonde hair. This whole thing is just way too much for me to handle at the moment.

"Well let's just get back to the resort and ask her about it then." he answered.

By the time Louis and I were finished talking, Charlotte had finished filling out her forms and was ready to leave. We walked out to the car park and found our car. It was only big enough for five people, since that's all the room we've ever needed since we were on a break in California for a few weeks.

Liam got in the drivers seat, and Zayn hopped in next to him in the passenger's side... not without checking his hair in the side mirror though...

Harry climbed into the back and Louis sat beside him in the middle sit.

"Lads, what are we gonna do about Charlotte? There's only enough room for the five of us."

"She can sit on your lap." Harry grinned, clearly amused with this idea.

"Great idea!" Charlotte sung.

I sat down in the empty seat and Charlotte happily climbed in and sat on my knees.

"Let's just hope there's no cops out today..." Liam sighed as he pulled out of the hospital car park and drove back to our resort.


"This place is lovely!" Charlotte cheered as she dances through the main room of the condo. "Thank you for letting me stay with you boys until I can find out where my parents are!" she smiled and hugged each of the boys. When it came around to me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in and kissed me passionately. I didn't know what else to do but kiss her back. I couldn't help the way our lips perfectly melted together, it felt so right and I wasn't about to pass up another opportunity to kiss her again! Although I'd like to know why she's kissing me and calling me her boyfriend... I mean, I'm not complaining! But I need to know what's going on inside her head.

"It's no problem love!" I smiled after she broke the kiss.

"I just adore it when you call me love!" She blushed."Do you mind if I go to bed? I'm getting really tired." Charlotte asked now yawning. My god she's adorable.

"Of course, you can stay in my room tonight." Liam answered her.

"But I wanna sleep with my boyfriend!" She giggle. Again, most adorable thing I've ever seen.

"Oh right.." Liam clued in now remembering that she thinks I'm her boyfriend.

"Go into the closet in our room and there should be a shirt and some basketball shorts of mine that you can borrow until we get you some clothes." I told her.

"Thanks!" She warmly smiled as she pranced off into my- I guess I should say our bedroom.

"Well, I like her, she's very charming and I think we're all going to get along just fine! Don't you agree lads?" Zayn spoke.

"Don't forget, she's smokin'!" Harry smirked.

"Okay guys, yes she's lovely and attractive, but I think we should get someone to ask her what she thinks really happened. Maybe we could get a sane fan to come and interview her. What do you think?" Liam questioned.. adding extra emphasis on the word sane.

"Sounds like a great idea mate! We'll figure it all out tomorrow, I don't know about you lads, but I'm heading to bed. I'm knackered!" Louis replied.

Come to think of it, it is getting late.

We all agreed with Liam's plan and all headed off into our bedrooms. I changed into my boxer shorts and a t-shirt so it wouldn't be as awkward sleeping in the same bed as Charlotte.

When I climbed into bed, she was already fast asleep, so peaceful. When I looked at her, it was as if she was the only girl in the world. She was so beautiful.

I wonder what she thinks really happened to her. I guess we'll all find out tomorrow...


Hey guys! It's @hannahhoran174, and I'll be co-writing for @Niallerslove ! :)

I wrote this chapter, and I really hope you enjoy my writing!

I love Bailey's writing, so hopefully I can be as good as her and help her write an amazing story!

-Hannah xx <3

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