Chapter 27

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*Still Charlotte's POV*

"Charlotte.." He half-whispered back in response to basically the same thing I did. The look on his face, well I'm pretty sure it matched mine too. Surprised, confused, heartbroken.

"I actually have to get going." I turned around to walk back out of the mall and to my car but before I could, Niall grabbed my shoulder and spun my back around.

"Wait Charlotte, I'm really glad I bumped into you!" He told me with a pleading expression on his face, but I wasn't up for that. Not today, not ever again, in all honesty. I couldn't start that again. It's been 4 months. 4 sad, long months. But I was slowly moving on, until today. Now I'm pretty sure I'm back at the bottom of the hole in my heart, trying to climb back out again- as cheesy as that sounds.

"I'm sorry Niall, coming here today was a mistake." It really hurt me to say that, but at least I wasn't looking into his eyes... That probably would've got me.

I shrugged out of his grip after I realized that he still had his arm in his shoulder. He wasn't going to stop me no matter how hard he tried so I'm glad that he let me go.

I kept walking back to the main entrance of the mall, probably a little faster than usual.

"Charlotte, please wait!" I heard Niall called after me. But I didn't turn around once, yet his words still seemed to play over and over again in my head.

I finally gave up on myself and turned around to see if he was still standing there. I even looked down the halls a bit to see if he was still walking away, but he was nowhere in my sight, I guess he gave up. That's what's best for the both of us, and I'm glad he knows when to stop because I'm not giving in.

I turned back around again only to be almost chest to chest with the one and only.

"Niall wha-" He completely cut me off by pressing his lips against mine. I so badly wanted to kiss him back. But I kept telling myself I'd regret it after.

He finally stopped after he realized that he was just making a fool out of himself by kissing a girl who wasn't going to kiss him back. If that were me, I'd be pretty embarrassed.

"I-I'm really sorry. I'm just going to go now."

Damn it, I looked him in the eyes.

They were full of regret and sadness and hurt, but those weren't the things that got my attention. What I did notice was the huge bags under his eyes and how he didn't seem to be putting that much effort into his hair. Then I looked at the rest of his body, to find him wearing some old sweats of his that I used to sometimes wear around the condo.

I guess you could say that he was a real mess. Maybe even worse than me, I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting better and better at hiding it on the outside.

He started to walk away awkwardly, but that's when I couldn't do it any longer.


I ran after him and attacked him until I was back in front of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in and gave him the proper kiss that I should've given him when he first kissed me.

At first he was surprised and confused but he quickly caught onto what was happening and kissed me back.

It's like when you love someone so much, that when they hurt you're hurting for them, but 10 times worse. When I kissed him all of my pain for both him and me washed away, and it's like for that moment, we were both as happy as we used to be, when things were ok and I still was clueless.

"OH WELL WASN'T THAT WONDERFUL?!" I hear none other than the voice of Louis Tomlinson scream out in his "TV show host" voice.

Niall and I shockingly pulled apart and turned towards the direction that his voice was coming from.

He was standing behind one of those stupid potted plants with the hugest grin on his face like he had just opened his favourite Christmas present.

Then from the left of him, up pops Harry like the little innocent darling he is, smiling just as ridiculously as Louis is. Then pops Liam, Zayn, Jasmine, and Jordyn.

"Are you guys fucking kidding me?" Niall groaned.

"Well if we knew that you were going to see each other, we definitely wouldn't miss that show!" Harry said, still grinning.

"Wait, so you knew that you would see me here? This was all set up? Holy shit Niall you are such a jerk!" And then I slapped him across the face, hard. And I didn't feel bad about it a single bit.

I went to storm off before Zayn came up to me and stopped me.

"Look I know your mad, but Jasmine and Louis were the ones who set you guys up today. When Jaz found out that you were gonna be coming here she told Lou and Lou told Niall to wait outside of that store because he thought that we were all going to meet up with him, he had nothing to do with that set up, so don't blame him."

"Great, now I feel like an asshole!" I said getting all red in the face. Man, am I ever a bitch.

"Look it's okay, you're just upset and got caught up in the moment. I understand." Zayn cooed as he pulled me in for a hug and rubbed soft circles on my back. He honestly gives the best hugs ever, next to Niall's.

Then I remembered that I just slapped Niall across the face and decided to make a fool out of myself again by apologizing. I wouldn't have to apologize to him if I hadn't of slapped him in the first place.

I looked over at everyone else thinking that Niall would be over with them but they were just starring at me with sorry faces. I did a 360 spin to see that Niall was nowhere, he left. Of course he did, who wouldn't. But the tears were starting to hit me and I couldn't control myself anymore. I sprinted out of the mall as fast as I could, outrunning any of my friends that were trying to chase after me. It didn't matter what they did, it wouldn't make things better.

I didn't even drive home. I drove to the beach that Niall and I used to go to, the one he saved my life on.

I say on the hot sand since it was still mid-day and the sun was shining down brightly. I watched the waves, and how they came in and out, crashing back and forth. My life has kinda been like a wave. It would be really good, things were going smoothly, until I crashed and something terrible would happen and bring me down. Then it'd come back together as things started to get better, and then come crashing back down. I just didn't know what to do anymore accept sit there and cry. Cry, and think about Niall, and my family, and my whole piece of shit life. Maybe Niall shouldn't have saved me that day that I was drowning in the ocean. If I had just died, I would've never had to have figured out the truth about Niall, an I wouldn't be siting here right now, experiencing the most horrific day ever.

I didn't realize that I was speaking my thoughts out loud until someone sat next to me in the sand.

"Don't you ever say that again, ya hear me?"


hey guys! Holy shit it's been forever since I've uploaded... I'm a terrible person! Haha btw you're welcome Olivia! (;

hahah so hope you enjoyed it, I'm pretty sure we're at like 18k reads now? Wow you guys are amazing!

love you's :**

you're all champs. (;


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