Chapter 20

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(Charlotte's POV)

Today's the big day that I'm pretty sure everyone was dreading. Everyone was packed up and organized ( thanks to Jasmine and I) and ready to leave for the airport.

I looked around the now very orderly condo that the boys and I have been staying in and sighed. I was going to miss the boys so much, I don't know that I'll do. I'll miss seeing Louis' socks that are always spread out all over the condo since he didn't like to wear them. I'll miss Harry's friendly flirting. I'll miss not finding any of my hair products where they're supposed to be because Zayn's stolen them from me. I'll miss hearing Liam constantly tell Haz and Lou to stop making such a mess. I'll miss having to constantly clean up crumbs off of the floor because he's a freaking pig and doesn't know how to eat with a plate. But I'll mostly just miss the boys themselves, especially Nialler.

It seems crazy to even think that I'll have to be away from him for a whole month. We're halfway through August already and then the boys will be coming back to L.A. for the VMA's.

I sighed at my long train of thought, and then flopped onto the comfortable couch in the den. I felt the weight shift on the couch and I opened my eyes to see Niall sitting next to me with a big smile on his face.

"How can you be so happy right now? This is our last day together for a whole month!" I exclaimed as Niall continued to smile at me widely.

"I'm so happy right now, because I get to spend the day with the most beautiful girl in the world." He answered, leaning in so close to me that I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

I finally closed the space between us not being able to resist the urge to kiss him anymore. He rubbed circles on my back as I ran my hands through his soft blond locks. You'd think that after a while you'd get tired of kissing someone, but it's not like that with Niall. Everytime I kiss him feels like the first time. It's sweet, passionate, and it has so much more meaning behind it than just a kiss.

He pulled away after a few minutes, so we could catch our breath.

"You know I love you, right?" he looked me in the eyes.

"Of course I do. And guess what? I love you too." I answered as I leaned in and embraced him in a warm hug. I'm probably the only girl that could say she gets a Horan hug, everyday. Nobody is exaggerating when they say that they're the best hugs either.

"So what would you like to do today my princess?" Niall asked while he tried to think of something to do.

"Why don't we all have a nice relaxing movie day? Eleanor and Jasmine should come too!" I suggested. (a/n: btw Perrie is in this story, but since they're in Cali right now I thought'd it'd make more sense that she isn't there with them because of Little Mix (: ) "That sounds like a great idea babe!" Niall agreed. 


Everyone was at the condo and watching movies together at around 3:00. Their flight didn't leave until 8:00 tonight, so we still had a few hours to spare.

Niall thought that during the movies, that it would be a good time to try and eat everything that was left in the refridegerator and cupboards so that we weren't letting anything go to waste.

Of course he would be the one to think of something like, and of course, he was also the one to eat most of it. Yup, that's my boyfriend ;)

It was now 7:00 and we had probably watched about 3 or 4 movies.

"We should proabably get going now ey lads?" Liam suggested, or more like instructed. He's not called Daddy Direction for nothing!

"Ya I guess so." Harry frowned, and removing his arm from around Jasmine's shoulder and standing up.

"Niall go throw out all of your garbage!" I told him laughing at the sight of him. He had some salsa on his cheek, his shirt was full of crumbs, and chocolate icre cream stains on his pants.

"He got up and collected all of his garbage and took it to the kitchen where the garbage was.

"Good lord. Look at the mess he made!" Eleanor gasped as she laughed at the only clean spot left on the floor, which is where Niall's butt had been. The rest of the floor was littered with absolute junk.

After Niall returned, he changed his clothes to something cleaner to wear to the airport.

The drive to the airport was very short since we were very close to it. Security was a breeze considering the boys have their own private plane that only them, Eleanor, and a few of their security guards would be flying on.

"Boys, get ready to leave. The plane takes off in 15 minutes." Paul informed us.

As soon as those words left his mouth, I suddenly realized that the boys would actually have to leave. I never really thought about how emotional I would be over this until I actually heard it outloud.

"Babe come here a second." Niall called over to me.

I walked away from the others to where he was standing in the terminal.

"Listen to me ok?" He asked. I nodded my head in agreement.

"I know a month is a long time, and I know that we're going to be really busy, but I promise you, you will always be on my mind. I can't imagine a single day without you. You make me the happiest I've ever been around, and I'm going to miss waking up to your beautiful smile every morning. I'm going to miss your warm lips and they way they fit like puzzle pieces together with mine. I'm going to miss your sweet hugs, and cuddling when we're cold. But I'm mostly just going to miss you. You're perfect Char. I love you."

Oh my god. Do you know how hard it is not to cry when someone says that to you? IT'S PRETTY HARD.

I just gasped.

"Niall, I love you so so much and more, okay? I'm going to miss you everyday we're apart.  Promise me that you'll call me and text me whenever you can?"

"I promise." He looked at me in the eyes.

"And Niall?"

"Yes love?"

"Please don't forget about me?" I let a tear slide down my cheek.

"I would never." He promised as he pulled me in for one last kiss, that always felt like the first.

"Mate lets go" Zayn called to Niall.

We pulled away and he gave me one last hug before catching up with the other boys and boarding the plane.

Just before went through the doors, he turned around and mouthed "I love you." I did it back and then watched him turn back around and disappear, just like that.


I don't know if you guys even read our author's notes, but you should because I'm going to say something important!!



#2. We wanna start getting more votes and comments because we really enjoy your feedback, so we won't be updating until we get 5 votes and 5 comments (from different people) on this chapter! Okay? (:

#3. Whoever can guess my favourite X Factor USA contestant so far, I'll get Bailey to give you a dedication when she updates the next chapter!

Sound good? (:

Again, thank you guys so much! xx :')



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