Chapter 7

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As soon as her lips touch mine, a jolt of electricity shoots through my body, but I am too shocked to react. Just when the whole situation is about to get even more awkward than it already is, Charlotte pulls away with a huge smile on her face. I look around to the other lads and they look like they have just seen a train crash.

The doctor, acting like things like this happen every day, continues on telling us what to do to sign out and take her home. “Just follow me down the hallway to the nurse’s station and then you all are free to sign out and take Charlotte home with you. “ With that, he walks out of the room. I take a step forward to follow him, but I feel a small little hand clasp around my large one and I freeze. Charlotte looks up at me and gives me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life and starts pulling me along behind her down the hallway. I look back at the guys for any clue as to what’s going on, but they’re just as clueless as I am.

When we finally get to the nurse’s station after a very awkward and silent walk, Charlotte lets go of my hand and walks up to the nurse situated at the desk. “You just have to sign a couple of forms and then you’re free to leave with your…ummm…”

“Friends. Well, Niall here,” Charlotte says, walking back grabbing my hand “Is my boyfriend.”


Ok. I feel like no matter what I do, I can't write longer chapters. Anyways, I found a co-writer!!! I am so excited cuz I have been so busy that i havent been able to upload regularly and hopefully now witht the help of hannahhoran174, this story might start going a lot faster.

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