Chapter 29

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(Niall's POV)

After getting caught in the rain and almost kissing, we decided to go home. This whole "just friends" thing is killing me, and I don't know how long I can go without the feel of her lips or just the feeling of getting to call her mine. But she has every reason to want to be just friends, in my opinion I don't even deserve to be forgiven, but I'm thanking the lord that she did forgive me.

We walked in the rain back to her and Jasmine's apartment.

"So I guess I'll see ya around?" I said to Charlotte at the door. This is usually the part where I kiss her goodbye or go inside, but that can't happen anymore.

"Ya we should all go and have dinner tonight since you're all back in Cali! Thanks for walking me home." She smiled at me. One of the most beautiful things ever.

She gave me a quick *friendly* hug goodbye and went inside.

I called Paul to come pick me up and take me back to the hotel.

I walked into the room that the boys and I all shared since it was more of a villa than a room.

"What went down mate?" Zayn asked as soon as I stepped in the door.

"Well she forgave me." I started.

"So you guys are back together?" Harry asked while eating a banana.

Speaking of food...

"No. She wants to be just friends." I answered, sounding kinda sad.

"It's ok Niall, she'll come around" Liam assured me giving me a good ole pat on the back.

"By the way we're all going out to dinner with Jasmine, Charlotte, and Jordyn" I informed the boys.

"Excellent!" Louis cheered, brightening up the mood.

"What time's it now?" Harry asked, finishing the last of his banana.

"Half 12." Liam responded.

"Ugh." Louis groaned.

"What?" Zayn said confused at Lou's groan.

"It's only noon, and there's nothing to doo." He whined sounding like a little kid.

"You lads up for catching a game of laser tag?" I suggested.

"HELL YEAH!" Zayn screamed, and within a few minutes we were out the door and on our way to laser quest.

*Charlotte's POV*

"Look Char, I'm sorry about everything that went down today." Jaz apologized as soon as I had stepped inside the door.

"It's alright" I re-assured her. "Everything's fine." I smiled.

"So you guys are back together?!" She said starting to sound excited.

"NO!" I yelled trying to calm her down before she freaked out all together and stopped listening to me.

"What?" She asked confused.

"We aren't back together. I told him I only want to be friends."

"And do you?" Has said giving me a look as if to say 'seriously'.

"No. But we have to for now if I ever want to get past this and move on. I'm not even sure if this whole time I knew the real Niall. What if the Niall I knew was just the boy that was pretending to be my boyfriend? I still loved him but I don't know if who I loved was the real thing. Our love could've been all a lie. Well, technically it was but even after the accident I had real feelings for him. His must've been mutual after a while, right?" I asked Jas starting to get worried now. I know Niall was just going along with it in the beginning because he was just as confused as I was but he kept pretending. But was he really pretending or did he just keep his little secret because he developed real feelings for me? I mean he said today that he really did love me, but I still have trouble processing it all.

"Look Char, we both know that Niall isn't that good of an actor to still be 'just faking it.'"

"I guess you're right." I smiled. And for once, I completely believe what someone just said to me. But like I keep telling myself, I need to just be friends with Niall. I need to know the real his as just a friend first.

But that killed me.

Just a friend.


Omg I'm so sorry for taking like a week and a half for updating!! This was probably a really shitty chapter too but I wanted to make sure that I updated tonight!

We're under 600 reads away from 20k, and that's unbelievable! Thank you so much for all of you that read this story and vote and comment. If really means a lot to Bailey and I!

So please continue to do all the things that make us happy and vote and comment!

Have a lovely day/night!


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